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A new wand suggestion


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Hi there @Marinette x Scoreey,
Unfortunately I'm here to decline your suggestion of the banana wand. We're looking for appearances which look like wands, this concept is not followed by a banana wand appearance, this is why we will not be adding it to the store.
Have a nice day and we're looking forward to more suggestions from you!

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Minecraft IGN: Grucifix
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Linked
Hi there @Marinette x Scoreey,
Unfortunately I'm here to decline your suggestion of the banana wand. We're looking for appearances which look like wands, this concept is not followed by a banana wand appearance, this is why we will not be adding it to the store.
Have a nice day and we're looking forward to more suggestions of you!

But, the book and orb doesn't look like wands for example. Sad to hear that this idea was declined. It would've been fun as a joke wand appearance, or a staff with a banana on or something. Oh well, the dream lives on!