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rePlayers Writing books For Approval


Notable Magician

I'm just going to go straight to the points and make a short suggestion:
What I mean exactly with "Players Writing books For Approval" is the following:
- Players meaning that every player in PotterworldMC are able to write books about certain topics which will be approved or declined by Writer staff members, and then put into the library.
These books can be stories - fictional or true, they can also contain knowledge about certain animals, object or people for example.
The books will then be sent to Writers who read the book and approve them, giving a short feedback list to players who get declined.

For those who are interested in writing, but have no place to start: There could be a small menu accessible by command which would state a few rules and information. Mainly, a writing structure which is recommended only. Players don't have to stick to this layout, although it's just to help those who are quite lost.

I personally quite like writing and if a book I write could be in the library also accessible to other players to read, would be quite cool. (Of course also signed by the actual writer of the book!)

dani !

Minecraft IGN: jisunize
Honeybadger Phoenix Vampire SPEW Linked
hello, for books being added to the library, the lore team already does this! we created books for students to read on multiple mobs that can be accessed by students!


Notable Magician
hello, for books being added to the library, the lore team already does this! we created books for students to read on multiple mobs that can be accessed by students!
I know that students can already read and find books in the library, but my whole point was that students can also write books for the library themselves, which will then be checked by the writers to see if the book is well-written and has been accepted to the library. This also makes it easier for the server to expand the library.


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Hello @JustinS,

Apologies for the delay in getting to this.
This suggestion is similar to part this thread, which is why I'll be marking this thread as a duplicate.
While we liked the idea of having players add books to the library, we have ultimately decided against this, as we want to keep a consistent style and correct lore to them. Regarding the system that was suggested to approve player books, the process would likely be somewhat complicated and work intensive.

Instead, we encourage everyone who is interested in writing those books (or other related Lore) to apply for Lore Keeper or apply for DD Writer, if you want a chance to have your creative pieces featured in an official medium, in this case, the Daily Diviner.
As mentioned in the other thread, we already have plans and are currently working on expanding the amount of books in the library anyway and hope this will be done as soon as possible.

Nevertheless, thank you for the suggestion and have a great day!