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Be more specific with quests


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
I'd be doing this quest, and then it just randomly asks you to go to this shop in this town called greenshore with tons and tons of buildings, and no coordinates, and it's close to impossible to find someone to even help you, so please give coordinates when you specify a building in a quest

dani !

Minecraft IGN: jisunize
Honeybadger Phoenix Vampire SPEW Linked
i see where you're coming from and how it can definitely be annoying to run around for 30 minutes looking for a singular shop, but i feel like giving exact coordinates takes away from players exploring the towns and areas around them. rather than exact coordinates, general locations (i.e. "look for [location] in the northwest of town" or "look for [location] along the docks") would be a better alternative since it'll still promote the exploration of the towns that are worked very hard on and it'll prevent players from running in circles to look for the store they need to go into during quests!


Minecraft IGN: daance
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
I don't think it would 'take away from exploration', in fact you can still look around and explore even if you'd be given straight coordinates in my opinion. An example I know is the Quali-Tree lumber shop in Hogsend, a lot of players end up being frustrated and ask for help bc they can't find it, and I don't think saying 'Look for a wood shop in the West of Hogsend' helps still, Hogsend is very packed and you need to run around for a while just to spot a random wood shop. I think what would be nice is if towns implemented a numbering system, so every house in every town would have a number or something, or at the very least there should be a main board in towns that list existing alley names, and directions for them, and maybe even a map art like in the hub, of an overview of hogsend for example and where all the different alleys are located. (They're already named, but there simply aren't any guides telling you where they are unless you're alredy in them and see the signs!) That way quests could be like 'Find the shop located at 5 Drury lane (or smth)


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
would be a better alternative since it'll still promote the exploration of the towns that are worked very hard on
I'd agree with this if the places were more explorable. Promoting exploration should happen, because the places are interesting, not just because someone feels like players should spent X minutes in a location no matter what.

If we take Hogsend for example, it's an oversized ghost village with streets so wide it can land a space shuttle. Copy pasted houses with nobody in them and aforementioned houses that have random shop signs on them so the only differentiating sign if it's a proper shop, is a single Minecraft sign with text. Text which doesn't render until the player is <15 blocks from said sign and becomes actually readable when the player is <5 blocks from it.

What shop is this ?
Can't see, let me get closer.
Oh it's Magical Cuisine Marketplace, let me take a look inside what's in it...
Hey, this shop has the same sign as the Magical Cuisine one, it doesn't seem to have a text sign though. Well, maybe this one will have something inside.
And if they aren't copy pasted, why are there broken biomes all over the place ?

Edit: I do not think that copy-pasting houses is bad, actually quite the opposite, but once the only differentiating sign of a house is a window trim, then it's kinda not worth exploring
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Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
i see where you're coming from and how it can definitely be annoying to run around for 30 minutes looking for a singular shop, but i feel like giving exact coordinates takes away from players exploring the towns and areas around them. rather than exact coordinates, general locations (i.e. "look for [location] in the northwest of town" or "look for [location] along the docks") would be a better alternative since it'll still promote the exploration of the towns that are worked very hard on and it'll prevent players from running in circles to look for the store they need to go into during quests!
There's a difference between promoting and forcing exploration. Promoting exploration should work in a way that players would want to go around and genuinely explore without getting any rewards for it, rather than having quests which force people to find places in order to finish them. And also, there's a bunch of quests that just waste your time on travelling with no exploration at all, like flying over the Dark forest several times to go from one camp to another, or climbing to the top of Azkaban several times..


Minecraft IGN: gospojken
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Discord Moderator Wizencouncil Sr. Prefect Store Manager Linked
Hi, I thought I would provide my personal thoughts on this suggestion! I definitely see it being helpful to be provided with the coordinates for quests as I agree that it can be tedious to find the right location sometimes.

A concern that I would have is that there are many players who are being confused by coordinates, and some of them have a really hard time following them. So, giving them coordinates might not be as much help for them compared to those who are comfortable following coordinates, sadly. I believe that being a bit more specific in the quest description, like the examples Dani provided, might be more helpful to everyone.

With inspiration from Mateo's reply, I came to think of something that might be helping players more, which would be to work around the issue in a similar way to how London is working. Currently, if you go to London, you can see that it alters between Diagonal Lane, Shade Alley, Carket Market, et cetera in the scoreboard. I believe that if the other bigger towns would implement this system too, that could be helpful because then the quest could specify more specifically which district the building is in, and possibly what it looks like. Since not everyone has the scoreboard enabled, it might also be a nice idea to send a chat message every time you enter a district. This way, there is an indication that you are being closer to the building that you are looking for and you can search in that area. With this idea, the scoreboard would be occupied so that the town name cannot fit unless they change the scoreboard to include district and town. A possible fix for that could be that the town name is displayed on your screen as a title when you enter the town (not a district, that would probably be annoying after a bit), similarly to how it is when you first discover a town. Of course, the districts would also need to be made small enough, otherwise, the issue would still be about the same!

Overall, I definitely agree that it could be made a bit easier to find specific buildings for quests! However, I believe that making districts that limit the search area, as well as referring to these districts in the quests could be more efficient than giving out coordinates that might confuse players more. For the smaller towns where there might not be fitting with districts, I also believe that Dani's suggestion about specifying the location more clearly would be useful. For example, as Dani said, "look for [location] along the docks." Personally, I also believe it would be more enjoyable to search a smaller area than looking at a lot of numbers throughout the quest. However, feel free to come with feedback on this idea too! :)


Minecraft IGN: TheVirgoKid101
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
Hi, I thought I would provide my personal thoughts on this suggestion! I definitely see it being helpful to be provided with the coordinates for quests as I agree that it can be tedious to find the right location sometimes.

A concern that I would have is that there are many players who are being confused by coordinates, and some of them have a really hard time following them. So, giving them coordinates might not be as much help for them compared to those who are comfortable following coordinates, sadly. I believe that being a bit more specific in the quest description, like the examples Dani provided, might be more helpful to everyone.

With inspiration from Mateo's reply, I came to think of something that might be helping players more, which would be to work around the issue in a similar way to how London is working. Currently, if you go to London, you can see that it alters between Diagonal Lane, Shade Alley, Carket Market, et cetera in the scoreboard. I believe that if the other bigger towns would implement this system too, that could be helpful because then the quest could specify more specifically which district the building is in, and possibly what it looks like. Since not everyone has the scoreboard enabled, it might also be a nice idea to send a chat message every time you enter a district. This way, there is an indication that you are being closer to the building that you are looking for and you can search in that area. With this idea, the scoreboard would be occupied so that the town name cannot fit unless they change the scoreboard to include district and town. A possible fix for that could be that the town name is displayed on your screen as a title when you enter the town (not a district, that would probably be annoying after a bit), similarly to how it is when you first discover a town. Of course, the districts would also need to be made small enough, otherwise, the issue would still be about the same!

Overall, I definitely agree that it could be made a bit easier to find specific buildings for quests! However, I believe that making districts that limit the search area, as well as referring to these districts in the quests could be more efficient than giving out coordinates that might confuse players more. For the smaller towns where there might not be fitting with districts, I also believe that Dani's suggestion about specifying the location more clearly would be useful. For example, as Dani said, "look for [location] along the docks." Personally, I also believe it would be more enjoyable to search a smaller area than looking at a lot of numbers throughout the quest. However, feel free to come with feedback on this idea too! :)
I like your ideas. Sometimes I do find coordinates annoying to use. I have to find the right direction for a coordinate, and sometimes have to do /ch leave all bc the messages overlap the coordinates. And in London coordinates are annoying /bc u can't fly on top of buildings/, and they sometimes hurt my eyes. So yes just create districts and stuff.

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hiya @Yellow_Flower and everyone else who has responded to this thread!

On behalf of the Poltergeist team, we'd like to thank you for making this suggestion, as well as your feedback, and sharing it with us! I'll have it be brought up to the rest of the Poltergeist team for further discussion. Afterwards, it will be moved up to the Leadership team, and once they reach a decision, I'll return with a response.

Thank you again for making this suggestion and I hope you have a great day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hello again @Yellow_Flower!

Apologies for the long wait! After bringing up this suggestion and discussing it amongst the staff team, the Leadership team has decided to accept it! We understand the difficulty of trying to find specific buildings for quests, so we will ensure that any future quests will provide as much information as possible to make it easier to find locations. Additionally, we are looking to improve the directions of the current quests, as well as find potential solutions and alternatives to make quest and general navigation/directions easier.

Thank you again for making this suggestion and I hope you have a nice day!