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Chest Cooldown

Do you like the three hour cooldown on chests

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 29.6%
  • No

    Votes: 35 64.8%
  • Not sure yet

    Votes: 3 5.6%

  • Total voters


Minecraft IGN: Poppydette
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix Linked
Hello lovely people,
When I logged on today myself and others were shocked to see the chest cooldown increase from 30 minutes to 3 hours. This is a big change to some players when it comes to gameplay. There was no warning nor a reason given as to why this change occurred. I'm sure you have noticed not many players like or support this change and without a reason given as to why it happened it is difficult for most of us to reconcile with it. If the concern was that the players will get too rich off of chest runs then changing the spawn rate of items in the chests could have been more efficient as well as decreasing the amount of gold given. I think that it may be the impression that we conduct chests runs to get rich or that it is somehow it is a "too easy" way to obtain gold. I think a lot of people have more personal reasons for chest runs. For myself, I use chest runs as a way to unwind because it is mostly mind numbing. I will study for school then use chest runs as a way to take a 15 minute break. It has become a routine.

Please take the time to answer the poll and if you would like, comment to support or not support. Also if anyone knows the reason for this change and would like to offer clarification and transparency please do.


I really like this idea^
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Elistired
Raven Linked
I use chest runs as a way to find ingredients for a potion im trying to craft, because half the time you need to fight some creature to get it and im not interested in combat at all. Half the time i dont even take everything out, im just looking for a specific thing!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Daaan
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Linked
I think the jump to 3 hours is way too much for someone that plays at most 8 hours a day. This means you only get to do 2 runs, maybe 3 on the weekends. Instead I feel like lowering the rewards would be more adequate or changing the cooldown to an hour or hour and a half, so people with less time can still enjoy doing something other than waiting for a new class.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
tbh they used to be so much longer and 30 minutes seems really short to me. Chest runs give so much gold atm that i think it's fair to nerf them, though I agree that there should have been an announcement - maybe it could have been as part of a gameplay update if they didn't want to make a full announcement just for the chests


Minecraft IGN: Poppydette
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix Linked
tbh they used to be so much longer and 30 minutes seems really short to me. Chest runs give so much gold atm that i think it's fair to nerf them, though I agree that there should have been an announcement - maybe it could have been as part of a gameplay update if they didn't want to make a full announcement just for the chests
I do agree that 30 mins is short. I think they changed it too much though. Like 1 hour to 1.5 hours and less gold would have been a better change.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Lnnaa
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix Linked
yeah i agree, and also as daan said, i sometimes dont log in as much and being able to do it only once per day in the time I log in, is not much considering im 3 hours doing nothing waiting for classes. also now its more of a struggle doing them with friends i think as it wont be very often that u all dont have the cooldown going

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
I too am pretty shocked by this, 3 hours is a long time! Especially as chest rewards are not that high for a 3 hour cool down. As others have said, either lower the cooldown and lesser the rewards or visa versa. Make it worth our time waiting longer for a bigger reward outcome!


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I absolutely disagree. Chest runs are way too profitable with so little effort and skill. Y'all basically abuse it at this point, doing the same exact thing everyday that requires you going around the same path and right clicking chests. Not only that there's people who do it every 30 mins, but I've see people literally camp in front of good chests waiting for the cooldown - you know who you are. In my opinion chest cooldowns should be even longer, maybe even 24h like it used to be, and increase the amounts of gold given for the other activities. That's the only way to fix the economy.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
I too am pretty shocked by this, 3 hours is a long time! Especially as chest rewards are not that high for a 3 hour cool down. As others have said, either lower the cooldown and lesser the rewards or visa versa. Make it worth our time waiting longer for a bigger reward outcome!
How are chest rewards not that high as you literally get same amount of gold from 3 graduate chests (+ materials and maybe even a recipe) as you get from the hardest parkour on the server available. Parkour that takes much skill and much time, compared to a less than 20 seconds needed to go through 3-4 chests.


Minecraft IGN: Poppydette
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix Linked
I absolutely disagree. Chest runs are way too profitable with so little effort and skill. Y'all basically abuse it at this point, doing the same exact thing everyday that requires you going around the same path and right clicking chests. Not only that there's people who do it every 30 mins, but I've see people literally camp in front of good chests waiting for the cooldown - you know who you are. In my opinion chest cooldowns should be even longer, maybe even 24h like it used to be, and increase the amounts of gold given for the other activities. That's the only way to fix the economy.
Is your main grievance with it the gold given? If so do you think just lowering the reward (including what spawns inside) amount would suffice? Like mentioned in previous posts people do chest runs for different reasons and this "fix" seems to focus on targeting a minority of people that do chest runs(camps), as a result hurting the average player that does chest runs for different reasons.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Is your main grievance with it the gold given? If so do you think just lowering the reward (including what spawns inside) amount would suffice? Like mentioned in previous posts people do chest runs for different reasons and this "fix" seems to focus on targeting a minority of people that do chest runs(camps), as a result hurting the average player that does chest runs for different reasons.
1. Majority of players do chest runs for gold, there's no debate in that. Materials and gear are supposed to be things you get from mobs after all, which is another issue and a reason why mob farming isn't as important as before.
2. Reducing the rewards would do more harm to players who don't abuse chests and do them once or twice a day, which is a reasonable amount of runs, than to players who do them constantly.
3. How is a 3 hour cooldown hurting anyone who does a healthy amount of chest runs? If you do chest runs to get your materials, you shouldn't be in advantage over people who farm mobs. It's natural that people who fight mobs should get more materials and gear than those who just do chest runs.

In my opinion, the cooldown should be even higher, maybe even 24 hours. It would make a healthier economy, would "force" people to do other activities which are actually FUN and beneficial for their SKILL and not "mind numbing". We just got 2 of the most enjoyable update (dungeons, soulshards) and they're making so little noise because people stopped doing activities. The dueling community is in decline, the most played minigame is hide and seek where half of the people are afk, mobs aren't farmed at all, economy is in the worse state ever, the whole community is in a decline... Chests are one of the reasons for this, it is undebatably the most abused and most profitable way of earning gold.


Minecraft IGN: Poppydette
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix Linked
  • There is a debate in that until actual statistics are done for it. You see above multiple reasons given for people doing chest runs that are not revolved around gold. I could care less if they make it zero gold. You are suggesting that players should get materials from grinding mobs and to be honest some players just don’t like doing it. This server is very much ‘play how you like’. If you like dueling be a dueler. If you like flying be a flyer. If you prefer economy do that. If a player just wants to log on and sit on a table for 12 hours talking to people, that is also acceptable. There should not only be one way to play this game and obtain mobs parts. And the chests are random spawns and don’t even give you that many of a certain mob part. I have gone through chests searching for one item before and only got five of them. I could have gotten more mob grinding than looking in chests but it’s how I preferred to do it. Forcing players into a game mode they don’t like is a quick way to lose players.
  • Reducing the rewards would harm players but upping the timer also harms players. I think reducing rewards has an equal effect on all players as opposed to the three hours cooldown. The three hour cooldown takes away the opportunity for players who do not use the chest runs for gold to play their own way. “A reasonable amount of runs” is up to the player and how they like to play.
  • Farming mobs already give more mob drops than chest runs. There is no doubt that it is the better way to obtain drops. I am not sure what makes you think that the items that spawn in the chests are better or maybe I am not understanding you correctly. Again “a healthy amount” is up to the player and how they like to play.
Can you please explain why you think this will cause a healthier economy?

Forcing people into a game mode is not okay in a server where there are so many different routes to take. What you see as “FUN” others may not. You mentioned when I said “mind numbing” like it’s a bad thing. Do you think that grinding mobs is not mind numbing? Dungeons and Soulshards are dueling games. Like I mentioned before not every player likes to duel or fight mobs. If the dueling community is in decline, then that is on the duelers and possibly the loadouts update (I don’t duel, so I am not sure how that changed it). Maybe people “abuse” minigames for gold that’s why they are AFK, but no one is talking about how they should limit the amount of mini-games a player plays. I personally farm mobs and I regularly find other people farming the same mobs so I don’t know why you said people don’t do that. In the end there are multiple ways to play on this server and forcing players into a game mode they don’t enjoy is not the answer.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
  • There is a debate in that until actual statistics are done for it. You see above multiple reasons given for people doing chest runs that are not revolved around gold. I could care less if they make it zero gold. You are suggesting that players should get materials from grinding mobs and to be honest some players just don’t like doing it. This server is very much ‘play how you like’. If you like dueling be a dueler. If you like flying be a flyer. If you prefer economy do that. If a player just wants to log on and sit on a table for 12 hours talking to people, that is also acceptable. There should not only be one way to play this game and obtain mobs parts. And the chests are random spawns and don’t even give you that many of a certain mob part. I have gone through chests searching for one item before and only got five of them. I could have gotten more mob grinding than looking in chests but it’s how I preferred to do it. Forcing players into a game mode they don’t like is a quick way to lose players.
  • Reducing the rewards would harm players but upping the timer also harms players. I think reducing rewards has an equal effect on all players as opposed to the three hours cooldown. The three hour cooldown takes away the opportunity for players who do not use the chest runs for gold to play their own way. “A reasonable amount of runs” is up to the player and how they like to play.
  • Farming mobs already give more mob drops than chest runs. There is no doubt that it is the better way to obtain drops. I am not sure what makes you think that the items that spawn in the chests are better or maybe I am not understanding you correctly. Again “a healthy amount” is up to the player and how they like to play.
Can you please explain why you think this will cause a healthier economy?

Forcing people into a game mode is not okay in a server where there are so many different routes to take. What you see as “FUN” others may not. You mentioned when I said “mind numbing” like it’s a bad thing. Do you think that grinding mobs is not mind numbing? Dungeons and Soulshards are dueling games. Like I mentioned before not every player likes to duel or fight mobs. If the dueling community is in decline, then that is on the duelers and possibly the loadouts update (I don’t duel, so I am not sure how that changed it). Maybe people “abuse” minigames for gold that’s why they are AFK, but no one is talking about how they should limit the amount of mini-games a player plays. I personally farm mobs and I regularly find other people farming the same mobs so I don’t know why you said people don’t do that. In the end there are multiple ways to play on this server and forcing players into a game mode they don’t enjoy is not the answer.
Staff have stated why the increase is done. Your "reasons" for doing chest runs are not relevant, even you don't don't care about gold that you get from them, you still get that gold, and we're talking about huge amounts of gold.

I'm not suggesting anything, those are literally MOB materials that were talking about. You might not like farming mobs, but it's simply not fair for a chest runner to get more materials overall and quicker than a person who is actually fighting mobs. I'm not saying you shouldn't get materials from chests at all.

And with such high rewards of chest runs, you are indirectly forced to do them in order to make a reasonable amount of gold. You're saying as if a 3 hour cooldown is so long that you're forced to do something else. Like they said, PW isn't about grinding chests.

"Reducing the rewards would harm players but upping the timer also harms players. I think reducing rewards has an equal effect on all players as opposed to the three hours cooldown. The three hour cooldown takes away the opportunity for players who do not use the chest runs for gold to play their own way. “A reasonable amount of runs” is up to the player and how they like to play."
Reducing rewards would have a bigger impact on a player who does 1 run per day than people who abuse chest runs. Thats just logic. *Three hour cooldown is the opposite, it doesn't effect the player who does it once a day, but it limits the people who abuse it, which is the whole point.* About the last thing here, I do not think it's up to player to choose that. For example, treasure maze was the most rewarding maze (maybe it still is, I'm not sure) and it had a 24 hour cooldown. I used to do it everyday to get 100 gold, and so did many people. It became the routine. So do you think it's okay if we all wanted the cooldown to be gone, so we can grind the treasure maze the whole day, because that's what we like? No. Just No.

Mob farming might be better if you're looking for a specific material quick, but overall you get more materials from a chest.

Adding a cooldown on a broken mechanic is not forcing you into any kind of gameplay. You should be encouraged to try different aspects of the game, especially if you're a new player, but you are not forced to do anything.