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Make Ruined Temple Aerobics Permanent


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Ruined Temple Aerobics
- a PERMANENT parkour minigame?

Dear everyone,

As the Valentines' Event has slowly progressed into our everyday life as one of PotterworldMC.com's traditional events to celebrate, we have been provided with a specific course of the parkour format for all of us to enjoy - the "Ruined Temple Aerobics" course.

As the course has been a one-of-a-kind wonder - especially among the most popular and talented parkour enthusiasts on PotterworldMC.com - I, Leyak Alzarin, hereby propose the idea of making the Ruined Temple Aerobics parkour course event a PERMANENT minigame available for all players to enjoy on a daily basis.

Why would we want to turn such a one-time event minigame into a permanent minigame?
Well, here is why this would benefit our society:
- The parkour is built up in such a way, that there are THREE checkpoints available for the player, meaning four stages of intense parkour-giving behavior for the regular player. What does this mean? It implies that there is a possibility for this parkour to be among the most famous parkour courses ever created on PotterworldMC.com, and as such, players will try to do perform a certain task called "Speedrunning".
But what is "Speedrunning"? According to Oxford, the definition of "Speedrunning" is as follows:
an instance of completing a video game, or level of a game, as fast as possible. (noun)
complete (a video game, or level of a game) as fast as possible. (verb)
Given that the regular level 80 PotterworldMC.com player might feel the tiredness and boredom from lack of intense content, they might want to go to additional measures, such as dueling, flying... And parkour! That's right folks, parkour can finally be one of the most popular sports to participate in or monitor on our beloved network - if only given the chance - as players will be able to speedrun exciting courses!

As parkour slowly progresses to be one of THE most famous activities to perform on PotterworldMC.com, the players will attempt to speedrun the Ruined Temple Aerobics parkour course to compete with other players about who might be superior according to the fastest completion time given. THIS exact parkour will be the hardest parkour available for all players of all ages, hereby topping even permanent courses, such as "Dark Forest Parkour", and creating a new chain of excitement among many players, hence activating light in the dark and letting players try out the different parkour courses available - including this new, hopefully permanent, one.

Now, what about the people who disagree and firmly dislike parkour in general? Well, they can choose to... Not participate! It has been a very long time for players of PotterworldMC.com to be given a new permanent parkour course, and I think it is time to change that. As the best parkour ever made has been brought upon the players, we can only but hope that this exciting, thrilling, and loveable parkour course will become permanent for both old and new players. As new players will visit and explore our beautiful world of PotterworldMC.com content, they might - just might - be bit of these available courses of parkour, and create exciting content. Speedrunning, timing, runs in groups, competition, you name it... This course will singlehandedly bring so much content if only the chance will be given. The course will give the players a chance of making this world a better place. This WILL benefit our society.


Minecraft IGN: Miss_Strudel
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Having event-specific minigames adds to the draw to come online and play the new / previously unavailable content in my opinion. The novelty wears off even in the 3-4 weeks that an event is out, but then is refreshed when players come back the next year. Ie the Star Wars /games will fill up quickly right when May 4 releases, but by the 4th week the queues are a lot more empty and would be dead if we just left them there permanently. It also doesn't really match our world map anywhere because it's far from Harry Potter themed. I think perhaps a better suggestion may be to have more difficult parkours offered on the map. I recognize that you're requesting this one be added specifically because it's already made and wouldn't require a delay to build it, but I'd personally prefer that route instead of moving event minigames onto the world. Though I am really glad that you're enjoying it!


Minecraft IGN: lividk
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Having event-specific minigames adds to the draw to come online and play the new / previously unavailable content in my opinion. The novelty wears off even in the 3-4 weeks that an event is out, but then is refreshed when players come back the next year. Ie the Star Wars /games will fill up quickly right when May 4 releases, but by the 4th week the queues are a lot more empty and would be dead if we just left them there permanently. It also doesn't really match our world map anywhere because it's far from Harry Potter themed. I think perhaps a better suggestion may be to have more difficult parkours offered on the map. I recognize that you're requesting this one be added specifically because it's already made and wouldn't require a delay to build it, but I'd personally prefer that route instead of moving event minigames onto the world. Though I am really glad that you're enjoying it!
I love parkour, if you are responsible for this parkour then you should get a raise, good job clapclap

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Heyo @LiviDk!

We appreciate you taking the time on making this suggestion and sharing it with us! At this time, I will have it be brought up to the Poltergeist team for further review and discussion. Additionally, the other idea of implementing more challenging/difficult parkours to the map will also be taken into considertion. The suggestion will then be taken to the Leadership team, and after they have reached a decision, I will come back with a response. So, keep an eye out on this thread for any updates!

Have a great day!

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Sr. Game Designer Curse Breaker Linked Faerie
Hello again @LiviDk!

After carefully discussing this suggestion, the Leadership team has decided to decline it, unfortunately. The reason behind this is that we tend to not add event minigames to the world, as we want to be able to use the event minigames for future events. As Strudel has already brought up, if we placed them in the world, we believe that their theme would be out of place. Instead, we will look into creating new difficult and/or different kinds of parkour in the future. If you have any ideas or suggestions for it, feel free to share them!

We hope you understand this decision and thank you again for sharing it with us! Have a nice day!