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too many magic staff and too few wands


Minecraft IGN: Nic30
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Linked
this server is inspired by HP's world of magic; I am for the idea that by now there are too few wands and too many staff, there are many possible concepts to do; please don't ignore the part of customers who love wands and not staff <3

dani !

Minecraft IGN: jisunize
Honeybadger Phoenix Vampire SPEW Linked
after counting the appearances, there's actually an almost even amount of wands and staffs (not including scythes or the book/orb)! the past few months have seen multiple staffs released, but there is not an obvious favor for one over the other in terms of the ratio of staffs to wands!


Minecraft IGN: Nic30
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent Linked
after counting the appearances, there's actually an almost even amount of wands and staffs (not including scythes or the book/orb)! the past few months have seen multiple staffs released, but there is not an obvious favor for one over the other in terms of the ratio of staffs to wands!
i don't think so; because the "wand" that we have in the shop are more larger than a normal wand and i don't wanna count the (with all due respect to those who worked on it) beautiful in a different way wooden wands which do not even have 1% detail of the old wands removed


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
this server is inspired by HP's world of magic; I am for the idea that by now there are too few wands and too many staff, there are many possible concepts to do; please don't ignore the part of customers who love wands and not staff <3
I understand your point but you must know that staff appearances are more popular within the community. Imo it would be the best if you suggested specific wand designs you would like to see in future, so that they can review those.


Minecraft IGN: 20zuzka04
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Prefect Class Helper SPEW Sr. Poltergeist Linked Faerie
Hiya @Nicolas.V !

Thank you for creating this suggestion! We are always looking for new ways to improve the server! I will now bring this suggestion up to my fellow Poltergeists, once we've received a decision, I'll come back to you so keep an eye out on this thread!

Thank you again for creating this suggestion and I hope you have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: 20zuzka04
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Prefect Class Helper SPEW Sr. Poltergeist Linked Faerie
Hi there @Nicolas.V !

This suggestion has been accepted! We will still be releasing staffs on the store, but we would like to work on releasing some more wands and some longer wands that are still on the smaller size but are large enough to show a good amount of detail!

Thank you for creating this idea and we hope you have a magical day!


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
Hello @Nicolas.V, and everyone who replied,

We are here with an update on your suggestion! As mentioned, our goal with smaller wands is that they are still visible and detailed, like the Woodland and Treble Clef wands. Recently, we have included many smaller wands, as seen throughout our recent store releases. I will therefore mark your suggestion as completed. :)

Thank you for creating your suggestion. If you have any questions about this, please don't hesitate to reach out!