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Housemaster Discontinuation

Greetings everyone!

After much deliberation and consideration, we have come to the decision to discontinue the Housemaster role. We’d like to thank all current, and previous, housemasters and heads of houses for their work and contributions to their role. It has not gone unnoticed!

What about house cups?
Don’t worry! We’ll still be doing the house cups, and there’ll still be a celebration for the winning house. We even have plans to expand on this, so e.g. the Great Hall becomes decorated with the winning house’s color for a while.

We’ll also be looking at trying to balance House Points a bit more so it’s fairer for every house. Right now, with the current system, certain houses have a clear advantage over other houses, and we want to help even the playground a bit.

The future for house cups is exciting!

Why this change?
After reviewing the 6 months the Housemaster role has existed, and the HoHs, the value it has provided to the server hasn’t really been anything big and worth the effort it takes for the teams to be active and complete their responsibilities. With the discontinuation of Roleplay and the Inquisitorial Squad, we feel this is another step in entering a new state where Potterworld is more focused on making new game-play for the server, without requiring staff members to become ‘actors’ and manage aspects of the community.

At the end of the day, we believe that a strong community is self-run. This is something that has been clear for many years, as the involvement from HoHs and Housemasters hasn’t been that much, and the community has still flourished and remained strong, if not stronger.

Thanks, everyone! We hope you’re excited for the future, just as much as us!



Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
We’ll also be looking at trying to balance House Points a bit more so it’s fairer for every house. Right now, with the current system, certain houses have a clear advantage over other houses, and we want to help even the playground a bit.
I just finally noticed that Arena Seasons gave house points at the beginning of the next house cup instead of the previous one, which is weird because those house points were earned during the previous house cup. So that's where a House gets that initial boost.

And then there are players who eventually switch houses after a house cup ends, which you can't really control. Though I have noticed players say they have been paid up to 100k gold just to switch houses - which is an insane amount.

Maybe limit the amount of house points staff can give out each quarter?

Or cap how many house points each player can get? Like 500 HP max per quarter - then convert the extra HP over 500 to gold?

Set a standard for how many housepoints are given for each O+ paper? I'm sure those grades are subjective, but I noticed that one player in Creative Writing got 7hp for an O+ whilst another player for that same class got 9hp. Then a player in Mythology got 6hp for their O+. I'm sure the amounts are different due to how well the stories are written, but it just seems all over the place for one grade.

Good luck trying to sort this one out!