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Adding People's face icon's to the map


Minecraft IGN: Tuna2
I think there should also be an option to add people on the map to know where they are to find people easier then trying to guess where they are at, It helped Henry Porter to know where to find Parker Petigrieve on the map so it would be a lot easier to find other's on the map too to find everyone easier.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
I think there should also be an option to add people on the map to know where they are to find people easier then trying to guess where they are at, It helped Henry Porter to know where to find Parker Petigrieve on the map so it would be a lot easier to find other's on the map too to find everyone easier.
I like this idea, would be very usefull. I assume it would be toggleable.
It helped Henry Porter to know where to find Parker Petigrieve
also you did not just say that :LOL:


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
Deniz mentioned something similar in the June 2022 Development Blog in the last section for future updates. No idea when it will be done because they seem to have been busy with quite a few updates already released.
We’ll be spending some time exploring improvements to the website map. Here, we’re interested in showing your player on the map (and have it update, as you move around), as well as your party members and more. There is no guarantee this will be done in July.


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist
Hello there @Tuna2 !

I'm pleased to inform you that this suggestion has been accepted, as this is something we have mentioned we would like to do in one of the most recent Dev Blogs, that you can find here. There is no guarantee on when this will be done, so for the time being, we will place this suggestion on hold!

Thank you for making this suggestion and I hope you have a magical day!