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Hunger System back in the Game.


Minecraft IGN: Jinx_L
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Werewolf Linked
Hi there I think its time we brought back the hunger system. As I believe many players would want this. Also it would give new players a friendly sense to PW as they probably have played Minecraft before, and in Minecraft you have to eat food to survive.

I also believe this would help out the economy better and make it so the economy is more balanced and not just collectables. It would be like, you could buy food at someone's housing or at the NCP Stores around the map, to stock up if your going on a long journey around the map or something.

Also it would make more sense when going to the great hall as you could sit down and eat some food at the great hall to replenish your hunger. You could also do this with friends to. I would love to see this in the game, bringing back more of a survival element to the game and giving players more reason to buy and sell food and go to the great hall or other places around the map to replenish there hunger.

Thank you for reading my suggestion and have a good day/night.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
The inventory is already is already filled with gear, mob drops, potions and gear crafting recipes. PW doesn't have any way to increase your inventory space or a separate ingredient pouch like Wynncraft does, that allows instant sell of junk anywhere in the world. I don't see where I would store extra food for the journey.

Adding food requirement would make travelling just more tedious than it is as you wouldn't be able to hang out anywhere due to the danger of dying from hunger. Economy wouldn't get stimulated because why would you buy food when you can just warpkey to Hogwarts and right click a plate for free ?

Micah Cresswell

Minecraft IGN: Hacim4
Raven Linked
I personally wasn’t around when hunger was a thing, and I would find it interesting. However, I think it would be hard for players to deal with.

What if you’re doing a quest parkour and run out of food? Do you go back to the Great Hall and have to spend more gold to fire dust back?

In my opinion, it would just be an annoying thing to deal with.

I suggest that we put it on trial. For 1 week(?) there is hunger. If people like it, they can submit a form explaining what they like about it, if people don’t, they submit a form on what they don’t like about it.

Let me know what you think about putting it on trial!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
you could make it so that the hunger bar is not going down in classes/ games or in the hogsworth area so that new players dont have to deal with it first time they join the server


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
Iirc, hunger was a thing before. You could get food from plates at the great hall...

Honestly the hunger goes down way too quickly, especially when you'll be crossing such a large world. And with the emphasis on quests/collecting materials etc, I don't want to have to fill half my inventory with food, it would honestly just be absolutely awful. Not to mention having another thing to manage, just no, gods no.

Besides, If you could collect food for free somewhere, you're also not going to go buy it from a player store. Especially when visiting player stores would distract you from the very same exploration going to a specific location to collect food would. What would be the point?

It also begs the question, if hunger was a thing before, there was probably reason for removing it.

Most I could say is maybe make it a toggle-able option, you want the extra challenge and nuisance of hunger? you can have it, but I don't want it. :LOL:


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello hello @Jinx_L and everyone else that replied!

Thank you for creating this suggestion! I think it's a very interesting idea to bring back the hunger system to the server, so I will be bringing up your suggestion to the rest of the Poltergeist team. We will discuss our views on this and once we reach a decision, I'll be back to let you know what we decided.

Thank you once again and I hope you all have a magical day!


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Greetings @Jinx_L and others that contributed to this thread!

We have decided to decline this suggestion, as we feel that adding the Hunger System back would be bad for player QOL. It can be a big hassle to have to carry food around in your inventory and it can be inconvenient for a lot of players and the type of gameplay they are doing. We hope this explains our reasoning a bit.

Regardless, thank you for this suggestion and we hope to see more ideas from you in the future! I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Imagine bringing out a bag to store food and potions just to decline a suggestion by saying you dont have enough space in your inventory to carry the food around one day after.
@Nives Willows
Hi there, professions items that are able to be stored in the bag are used as additional resources for players to enhance their magic and become stronger in situations when they need or want to do so. The only consequence of not carrying these items is that you do not get to use them for the buffs they provide. If hunger was brought back, food would become a compulsory item to carry around, otherwise players would starve without them. Generally, we feel that having these profession items can be useful to a player, whereas food does not have a lot of purpose besides removing hunger and is rather a hindrance.

Regardless, hunger is not a system we want to bring back primarily due to the hassle and inconvenience it brings, and we would rather players focus on other aspects of the server than continuously having to focus on having enough food with them.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
I understand the fact that the hunger system is not part of the main goal for the servers future. Still there is a huge part of the marketplace being only focused on food. In literally almost every town there is a place where you are able to buy food just to eat it and have a second of the feeling of eating food. I dont understand the use of those shops. If you make a bag called consumables you imply that you have something to consume which has a use afterwars, If the only use of the bags is for professions, call it a professions bag and dont have a big market just being focused on food, If there wouldnt be a change in that it would basically keep the shops in the towns a useless feature of the game.
I just dont understand the problem of carrying around food in a double chest available for you all the time which is bringing a bigger use to the bag you provided to us yesterday and the shops.

If you'd be so nice explaining that to me I'd be very thankful.



Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
I understand the fact that the hunger system is not part of the main goal for the servers future. Still there is a huge part of the marketplace being only focused on food. In literally almost every town there is a place where you are able to buy food just to eat it and have a second of the feeling of eating food. I dont understand the use of those shops. If you make a bag called consumables you imply that you have something to consume which has a use afterwars, If the only use of the bags is for professions, call it a professions bag and dont have a big market just being focused on food, If there wouldnt be a change in that it would basically keep the shops in the towns a useless feature of the game.
I just dont understand the problem of carrying around food in a double chest available for you all the time which is bringing a bigger use to the bag you provided to us yesterday and the shops.

If you'd be so nice explaining that to me I'd be very thankful.

Hello again! The use for the Marketplaces and shops that you can find around the world is so much more than just buying/selling food, the shops in towns are there to add lore and some business to the town. Just because gameplay-wise you don't have to eat, doesn't mean that the citizens of Potterworld don't have to eat ;). The Marketplace isn't at all focused on food, it is just one of the categories that help make the Marketplace more organized and easy to navigate.

As for the consumables bag - it is still referring to professions foods that can be consumed and used as a buff when players encounter certain situations or fight mobs.

I hope that explains it a bit better!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Takalo
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Linked
Hello again! The use for the Marketplaces and shops that you can find around the world is so much more than just buying/selling food, the shops in towns are there to add lore and some business to the town. Just because gameplay-wise you don't have to eat, doesn't mean that the citizens of Potterworld don't have to eat ;). The Marketplace isn't at all focused on food, it is just one of the categories that help make the Marketplace more organized and easy to navigate.

As for the consumables bag - it is still referring to professions foods that can be consumed and used as a buff when players encounter certain situations or fight mobs.

I hope that explains it a bit better!
I understand better now. Even though I still would it find more realistic for a server to have more real life actions in it and not just exploring the world unrealistically! Thanks again for your reply!