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Ban Appeal Updates


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AlexRiddle50
Dark Follower Serpent
As someone who has been monitoring a friend's ban appeal alongside them. I feel as though they are kept in the dark on the progress of their appeal. For example they could at least be told when their appeal has been received by staff or when their appeal is being considered. This way they actually know that their appeal has been acknowledged. I feel as though this would be better than only getting the decision that has been made on your appeal.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Yeah, I sometimes see people ask how long a ban appeal takes and they probably experience the same thing as your friend that you mentioned - not knowing if their appeal was received or reviewed. Though I'm unsure of what happens in their ban appeal process, I think that they should at the very least respond with an automatic message mentioning the time frame and provide updates after that OR they could just mention how long it would take for a response right on the Ban Appeal form.
And having had previous experience on staffing on another mc server, I wasn't too keen on unbanning players quickly - so maybe they're taking that type of stance and letting that player cool off or maybe they're gathering whatever evidence they had on the player at the same time?


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AlexRiddle50
Dark Follower Serpent
Yeah, I sometimes see people ask how long a ban appeal takes and they probably experience the same thing as your friend that you mentioned - not knowing if their appeal was received or reviewed. Though I'm unsure of what happens in their ban appeal process, I think that they should at the very least respond with an automatic message mentioning the time frame and provide updates after that OR they could just mention how long it would take for a response right on the Ban Appeal form.
And having had previous experience on staffing on another mc server, I wasn't too keen on unbanning players quickly - so maybe they're taking that type of stance and letting that player cool off or maybe they're gathering whatever evidence they had on the player at the same time?
I'm experiencing the ban appeal process second hand and there's nothing update wise whatsoever. You just send the appeal in and eventually they'll sent a response...

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked Faerie
Helllo @Alex_Riddle !!

With this feedback, we have decided to do 3 things: When we receive an appeal, we will mark it as "Under Review". We will also respond to it with a broad ETA on when to receive a response, but to check back in the appeal so often for a response. We are also going to add a brief line on the ban appeal form itself about how long ban appeal responses take.

I hope this makes sense! Thank you once again for your suggestion. I hope you have a wonderful day/night:serpent: