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Trouble in Paradise quest help

Hi I am struggling with the first part of the trouble in paradise quest. I'm in Martinus' memories and need a 6 digit code to get through the second door. I used the hint and know it has something to do with counting the carpet colors but every combination I try doesn't work. Is someone can give me another hint as to what to look at like what order I need to put the numbers in please let me know!


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked Faerie
Hi I am struggling with the first part of the trouble in paradise quest. I'm in Martinus' memories and need a 6 digit code to get through the second door. I used the hint and know it has something to do with counting the carpet colors but every combination I try doesn't work. Is someone can give me another hint as to what to look at like what order I need to put the numbers in please let me know!
Hello, the solution to the riddle doesn't have to do with the carpet colors (this is important later on). The answer to the 6 digit code is found within the dialogue with the NPC near the entrance to the house.
you have to count the letters of each word
Hello, the solution to the riddle doesn't have to do with the carpet colors (this is important later on). The answer to the 6 digit code is found within the dialogue with the NPC near the entrance to the house.
you have to count the letters of each word
Oooh! got it thank you!