DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
I think this discussion is interesting, and you can tell by the dailies how many points an alt getting just most of the points will be able to collect without restrictions.
Let's say you can keep a 30-stay streak (4 HP)
Attend at least 2 classes (5 HP)
Do a chest run of 50+ chests (3 HP)
^ All...
To me the idea of Hunger Games has always been to be spread out during a grace period, then slowly but surely be forced towards the center by a flaming ring, a world border, or the map around you collapsing, so that in the end you are forced to face off against other people or die while hiding...
Googly Eyes to me are goofy, funny and cute! So I thought it would be a sweet idea for a hat! Possibly for an april fools release? Silly and goofy idea that has potential to me, what do you think? 👀
Stay curios and have a Magical day!
The Care Bear (Earned from the most recent 12-hours of classes during anniversary) shoots a little firework into the air, which is kinda cute. This has a 60 second CD. Even if it's minor, the Spring Flare Blaster from a past Spring event does the same thing but only has a few seconds cooldown...
An unsong hero which also sparked the idea for this thread is the clock in the Anniversary Event Hub, showing the time in a 24h format in the PST timezone.
This idea is simple, allowing the player to interact with a clock in the Great Hall, and change the clock to a format they'd like. This...
I think this will be a great addition for people speedrunning, not just mazes but also Parkours as well! But be a region similar to when the timer starts, that the region just stops the timer as HektorTM mentions! c:
I have way too many good memories from Potterworld, but I chose one that would be fun to make a comic of, hope ya'll enjoy it! It's a memory that has made me laugh for sure <3
Lovely to see so many responses on this post, and what a great discussion!
What I pick up mostly is that people dislike limiting how much you can earn through minigames, the activity points despite rewarding bigger value games over repetitive ones, is not favored.
People seem to like the split...
So I recently decided to see what minigames yielded the best results when it comes to Event Tokens and also the current School Spirit. This was done by grinding an unhealthy amount of minigames trying to see if it made sense to try and master a specific gamemode and even the harder...
I'm in a split with this suggestion, if you change the rules for one part of it - people's priorities change.
There's a part of me that likes to share the particles among all the schools, and a part of me that then says well then people try to get a school where they can aim to get the...
I started making a new skin to update my look, realizing that staves are able to be worn on the back, which I thought was a feature I'd like to make a core part of a potential look for my new skin. Looking through the wardrope I had nothing that I found matching and thus I turned to the...