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Preview of Staff/Wand hats in the in-game preview store

Athena (Dismana)

New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Dismana
I started making a new skin to update my look, realizing that staves are able to be worn on the back, which I thought was a feature I'd like to make a core part of a potential look for my new skin. Looking through the wardrope I had nothing that I found matching and thus I turned to the trusty in-game previewer to look for a new look, and I figured I lack an NPC to see wands by the ear and staves on the back.

An NPC, joining either the wands or hats NPC, that will allow you to see a staff or wand worn on your head.

Why this?
I enjoy seeing wearing your staff or wand as a bonus, but it's even greater to be able to see the complete package! So having an NPC like this is especially nice when you plant to be able to use it in your newest outfit, therefore I believe it is no less important to have than a deaht effects NPC or a Flare Spell NPC.


Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @Athena (Dismana) ,

Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion, I'm happy to say that it's been accepted and completed! We agree that is would be helpful to see how wands and staffs look when worn, and as such we've updated our Mr. Jollivan NPC. You can now right click on any wand or staff appearance in order to preview it as a hat!

Thank you again for your suggestion, and have a wonderful day!