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Recent content by Blueburypancakes

  1. Blueburypancakes

    Declined Ditch the Wandering NPCs

    But then I can't bully them with leviocorpum and flipellius :(
  2. Blueburypancakes

    Completed igniotempus nerf

    Yeah I definitely think that it shouldn't have vertical range, it's supposed to be a ground spell you should be able to avoid it by jumping and that would be a big weakness its weird that it still hits vertically
  3. Blueburypancakes

    Completed igniotempus nerf

    if they did give it a nerf i feel like it should be a longer charge time so it's harder to combo and stuff, igniotempus is huge for pve if a bunch of mobs are attacking so i don't feel like it should get a bigger cooldown time or damage reduction
  4. Blueburypancakes

    Completed igniotempus nerf

    still very situational for dueling tho cuz it eats like half ur mana
  5. Blueburypancakes

    On-Hold The Deep forest Campsites

    wait where? I know about the tunnels but secret Revelius entrances?
  6. Blueburypancakes

    Duplicate Magic at housings

    Imagine having a secret basement where you use Revelius on the floor to open a staircase or secret storage. Love this idea
  7. Blueburypancakes

    On-Hold The Deep forest Campsites

    I just did the campsite quests and it was SO PAINFUL. I cannot stress how annoying it was to have to go back to Haggleton to access the marketplace to get mob drops, or just go to their spawn, and then have to go all the way back to the camps using the exact coords. I believe the most egregious...
  8. Blueburypancakes

    Under Review bruiser blindness gotta go

    I have an idea, what if they replaced blindness with nausea? It would last longer then the blindness effect but it would make it so your sight isn't totally obstructed while also meaning you can't just hop back on your broom, pick the Quabble up and score a goal like nothing happened?
  9. Blueburypancakes

    On-Hold Butterbrew in the Broomsticks Inn

    Yeah the way the drinks float in the crossroads pub is also really cool
  10. Blueburypancakes

    On-Hold Butterbrew in the Broomsticks Inn

    This isn't necessarily a pressing issue but I feel like this wouldn't be too hard to implement and it would add much more atmosphere to Hogsend. You know the NPC in the Popping Pot that sells Butterbrew, Gurgle Water, and Scorching Scotch? It would be fun if an NPC selling those items was also...