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  • Heyo! Thought I'd answer these questions if anyone looks at this, just so you get to know me XD

    When did you join the server?
    I joined around about the butterbrew festival of september 2016, graduated in a year, kept coming away and back to the server in intervals of weeks, but am now constantly online!

    Oh, Marsh Harrier

    Most prized item in the game?
    Oh blimey, that's a tough one! I have always loved my marauders map, I have a camera, but amongst everything, I have always loved the butterbrew tankards, as the 2016 one was my first ever purchase (other than the robes and map)

    Order of your sorting quiz?
    Raven and Honeybadger are very close, Griffin is a little far behind and in the deep dark corner is Serpent

    Favorite store item?
    I find the flying chair absolutely priceless, but I have always loved the Infinity war staff, and a special place in my heart goes towards the sonic screwdrivers!

    What would your job be in the wizard land?
    Oh, for sure as an actor, as that's my irl mission, and there are a couple theatres here and there! I can only imagine what the plays would be... Macbeth's three witches would probably be rather racist!

    Favourite Harry Potter character?
    I adore Lupin as he was such a great tutor, teacher, friend and ally!

    Favourite Allegiance?
    Phoenixes, the goodness is favourable and the mythology behind the phoenix is pretty damn cool!

    What would your Amortentia smell like?
    Oooo probably good old melted Cadbury's chocolate with lilac and a hint of scrapbook!

    Name of your first RP family?
    Oh I was late to the whole RP family thing, but eventually joined the Daimon family - not massive, but it was fun! I've now just kinda got the Bond family, which is hilarious as Doctor_Bond is my actual ign!

    Favourite class?
    I love greek mythology, but theatre classes have to be my favourite! Not to forget though, Wizard PE was amazing back in the day, and I made it to the wall of fame!

    That's that, hope that was interesting enough for you :D
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