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  • Wednesday

    Alice and I had care of magical creatures today and we were learning about the Crups. We were able to walk with them around the castle and inside the Great Hall. As we were going thorough the Great Hall, Alice lost controll of her Crup puppy and they started speeding out of the Great Hall and down to the forest. I started to chase after her and caught up to her with a giddy Care of magical creatures professor. he was telling us that when we let them lead us, it starts a kind of bond between Wizards and Crups. He awarded each of us 5 points for having a much more well trained Crup then before ( however there was some debate about it ) After that we had lunch outside with the puppies ( with the professor permission ) and had a blast with them around the lake. I was telling Alice not to put the Crup in the water as we were walking next to the black lake but then the little idiot desided to do it by it’s self! I start yelling and Alice starts congratulating the thing! We pull the Crup out the water and we start making our way back to the Grounds keepers hut. Just before we got there, the Crups started to bark and yap at a first year boy. We started pulling them away from him and during the chaos i realised he might be a muggle-born. I got the Crups back to the hut and when in search for the boy. After a while I found him on his way to Defence agents the dark arts and I stoped him. I apologised to him and explained why the Crup did that. I asked if he was muggle-born and sure enough , he was. I when on explaining that the Crup was extremely loyal to Witches and Wizards and extremely aggressive to muggles. I told him once you get to the Crups and you show them some magic ( lumos works well ) and then they will start to trust you. I thanked him for understanding and left for my next class. I just hope no muggle-born will get hurt.

    The library was fun however I did have trouble finding the right book. I had a free period today and I decided to go to the library to read a few books on wear wolves for… research purposes… but I ended up reading about twin witches who are looking to solve there mother’s disappearance. After about the first chapter I decided to look for a different book. And as it was lunch after I had at least another 2 hours till my Transfiguration class starts. Now round about now Alice Moon came around to find me. She asked if what I’ve been doing this last hour. I replied that I had finished a book and was reading another. She seemed surprised by this but is quickly faded after I told her that I was also looking around for other books to read. Few seconds later and she was gone. She headed to the back of the library nearby the restricted section, mostly because students rarely go back there. As for me, I went back to looking around. 15 minutes later a group of 7th year boys came in and looked around. I swear the youngest looking one was staring at me! After a while they left and I went back to reading. I was missing Alice so I started my way to the back of the library. Once I got there I saw her drawing and she was doing an impression of our Potions teacher. I was laughing loud but not as loud of the first year girls talking about the 3 rd year boys. The librarian shushed us but said nothing about the first years! After that we decided to shut up and draw. Half an hour or so later we decided to leave before Transfiguration started. In conclusion: FIRST YEARS GET AWAY WITH EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hello all! I’ve decided to do a sort of story here as if I was writing in a diary about everything that happened at school. I’m not sure how long this will last or if it’s a good idea but I’m gonna try it anyways! Hope you all enjoy

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