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Recent content by LeAlmightyPanda

  1. LeAlmightyPanda

    Duplicate Parkour Passes

    This sounds like an easy way for people to just skip every parkour they come across, and an easy way to get experience and gold. Checkpoints could be a thing, but I wouldn't see "passes" being a thing, as they could easily be abused. Would just seem more rewarding if people actually worked for...
  2. LeAlmightyPanda

    Completed Single Color & Pride Flag Heads

    Thank you so much!
  3. LeAlmightyPanda

    Completed Single Color & Pride Flag Heads

    I have the head! More so wanting the options and more for all year round.
  4. LeAlmightyPanda

    Completed Single Color & Pride Flag Heads

    I've been decorating my housing these past few days, and I thought it would be pretty nice to have single color heads and Pride flag heads available in the 'Heads' section of the Mine Depot. Single Color Heads would simply be heads that are one solid color, like mini versions of wool blocks...
  5. LeAlmightyPanda

    What spells do you use?

    Before the Revelius update, I would use AOE/multitarget spells. With the update, I've found Vermillo, Baulectrium, and Contagios are my go to spells. Baulectrium and Contagios allow for tick damage, so they can tick down any mob your fighting while hitting them with Vermillo.
  6. LeAlmightyPanda

    Duplicate Tweaks to the new Warp Key system

    Bumping for exposure! Not sure if this works like other forums I use, but hopefully it does!
  7. LeAlmightyPanda

    Duplicate Tweaks to the new Warp Key system

    I went on hiatus right after the Easter event, and returned just a few days ago. Seeing the new update, the new features and map overhaul was exciting, but I wasn't too fond of the new Warp Key system. I understand the whole point of minimizing the ability to warp all over the world was to...