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Tweaks to the new Warp Key system


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: LeAlmightyPanda
I went on hiatus right after the Easter event, and returned just a few days ago.

Seeing the new update, the new features and map overhaul was exciting, but I wasn't too fond of the new Warp Key system.

I understand the whole point of minimizing the ability to warp all over the world was to encourage travel with the new map and every location being accessible just by foot, but I feel making some tweaks to the Warp Key system would still encourage that.

The changes I would like to suggest are making it to where we can still warp to the towns currently available, but having to discover them first. They can remain locked with a layout similar to, if not the same as the new Flu Network. Areas you've discovered are unlocked, whereas areas not discovered are locked. You can warp to those areas and still have the warp cooldown. Maybe also have icons at the top for setting a warp point, teleporting to the warp point you set, and even one to get back to Hogsworth.

The reason I feel this system would still encourage travel by foot or broom is because we would still have the warp cooldown, on top of having to travel to specific areas for mobs, quest NPCs, or various other means such as accessing a secret/specific area (such as caves).

Please consider this idea, and thank you in advance!


Minecraft IGN: PinkWeezie
Honeybadger Auralock Vampire SPEW
First off, thank you very much for your suggestion! Your idea is actually similar to other threads that have been created like this one and this one. Your overall idea suggests adding more warps to the current Warp Key Bags which has actually been brought up/is being brought up already at the moment. However, I will link your thread and idea of unlocking towns to the open suggestion which we are currently still getting opinions on.

I'm going to go ahead and mark this as a duplicate thread but we would love to hear any future ideas you have to improve the server. Have a wonderful day! :)