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Recent content by Magma

  1. Magma

    Patch 1.9.2 Magic Changes [February 2nd 2024]

    okay next patch add 40 concurrent players
  2. Magma

    Duplicate Add a time leaderboard to Gauntlet

    this is probably a stupid idea
  3. Magma

    april fools

    april fools
  4. Magma

    Declined reset 1v1 arena leaderboards

    deeply disappointed as always
  5. Magma

    Completed option to turn off player visibility in flying

    i no longer play this server
  6. Magma

    Ordle Scores!

  7. Magma

    Arena Expansion Update

    So cool I can't wait to tell Tilly, Max, Kry, Celeste, Quack, and Jason oh wait :(
  8. Magma

    Under Review Leveling - Then vs Now

    Potterworld AC reflects the inflated US housing market despair
  9. Magma

    Gameplay Update 1.7.2 [August 20th 2022]

    holy mackrel
  10. Magma

    Gameplay Update 1.7.2 [August 20th 2022]

    i thought u were going to sleep
  11. Magma

    Declined Put a Fast Travel section in the Discoveries Journal

    first option only (Object tps between locations like the London train, Hogsworth boats, etc ) the other options don't need it imo
  12. Magma

    Housing Update

    double u
  13. Magma

    Declined Put a Fast Travel section in the Discoveries Journal

    There's enough fast travel locations for this small update to be worth adding, plus it's very convenient for players to have. It'd work the same as the other discoveries where it won't show up unless you've been to it.