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Recent content by MelonFoxy

  1. MelonFoxy

    Completed 3 Suggestions for Potions Class

    Hello, @MysticalBlizzard! I am happy to let you know that this suggestion has been completed! We have gone ahead and extended the duration of the cosmetic effects on several of our potions! We have also added a few other speed and jump effects to some of our existing spells too. Once again...
  2. MelonFoxy

    Completed Compass should also show relative altitude

    Hello, @JappaWakka! I am happy to let you know that this suggestion has been accepted and also completed! The compass will now be showing the coordinates it has been set to. It can be viewed by hovering over the compass in your inventory. Thank you for making this suggestion, and I hope you...
  3. MelonFoxy

    Duplicate Add A Cow Pet to the Store

    Hello, @maeve_lestrange! This suggestion is a duplicate of the suggestion here! We quite like the idea of the Cow Pet and hope to bring it to one of our store releases in the near future! Despite this, thank you for making this suggestion, and I hope you have a wonderful day!
  4. MelonFoxy

    Declined Parkour leaderboards - Doing what's right

    Hello, @Ivan_! Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Recently, we have worked on changing the parkour timers to help solve this issue! In parkours around the world, the timer automatically resets when falling. We will not be introducing pressure plates at this point in time. For events...
  5. MelonFoxy

    Declined Parkour leaderboards - Doing what's right

    Hello, @Ivan_! This suggestion has unfortunately been declined. This isn't something we are interested in implementing at this time, as we don't want to turn the parkour leaderboards into something hyper-competitive with rewards. For rewarding parkours, we are always looking into balancing our...
  6. MelonFoxy

    Declined PvP System

    Hello, @HektorTM! This suggestion has unfortunately been changed to a decline. We are open to adding more locations in the Roleplay Hub for pvp versions, however adding it to the live world is not something we are planning to pursue anymore. Despite this, thank you for making this suggestion...
  7. MelonFoxy

    Completed Reset Timer for Mazes upon Signum

    Hello, @TallBlondeDude! I'm happy to let you know that this suggestion has been accepted and therefore completed! Whenever Signum is casted in the maze, it now not only teleports the player to spawn, but also will reset the timer on that maze. Thank you for making this suggestion, and I hope...
  8. MelonFoxy

    Declined Crafting on housings

    Hello, @BlongCZ! This suggestion has unfortunately been declined. Unfortunately we do not have vanilla functionality enabled on our Housing plots, such as crafting, and we do also not support regular vanilla recipes due to the way our custom recipe system works. In addition to this, as...
  9. MelonFoxy

    Declined Pizza

    Hello, @Ivan_! Unfortunately we will now be changing this suggestion to a decline. We have plans to do another shop competition in the near future but rather than accepting specific ideas, we will instead be adding them to a poll of possible ideas! Despite this, thank you for making this...
  10. MelonFoxy

    Completed Change prices for materials for housings

    Hello, @Aber4th! This suggestion has been completed. We have rebalanced multiple items and categories to make them more consistent, but some items will be kept at a higher price due to their aesthetic value or contribution to lag. If you, or anyone else, has any more specific suggestion, don't...
  11. MelonFoxy

    Declined Allegiance Banners!

    Hello, @Max Fireheart ! I've come with an update about this suggestion! Unfortunately, this suggestion has been changed to a decline. We currently do not have the ability to create extra banners due to texture pack restrictions. Despite this, thank you for making this suggestion, and I hope...
  12. MelonFoxy

    Completed Add a beaded handbag slot to the enchanted backpack

    Hello, @ThatPreston! This suggestion has been accepted and is now complete! We have added a purchasable slot in the Enchanted Backpack that lets you quickly access your ender chest. We have also added a General Purpose bag which allows you to store items of any category in your bag. But note...
  13. MelonFoxy

    Completed Add better tools to the mine depot

    Hello, @ThatPreston! I'm happy to let you know that this suggestion has been accepted and therefore completed! We really liked this idea, and we have added 4 new diamond pickaxes, 3 new diamond axes (that match the iron tools) and we also added 1 new iron axe (efficiency 5 unbreaking 3)...
  14. MelonFoxy

    Declined Spell Idea: Shield Shatter

    Hello, @TallBlondeDude! This suggestion has unfortunately been declined. We will keep trying to find new ways to innovate and balance our dueling system, but breaking shields is a little overpowered. We have counter spells that goes through shields, Appareo that teleports through shields, and...
  15. MelonFoxy

    Completed 9 Hells Suggestions

    Hello, @xAutumnn! This suggestion has been accepted and therefore completed! We have removed the blocked spells from all of the boss battles, and also moved the Nycta artefacts to a more accessible location. We agree that the artefacts are also quite hard to see and, as such, have adjusted the...