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Recent content by oOStellaOo

  1. oOStellaOo

    [OUTDATED] Potterworld Plus (Resource Pack)

    oh ok, I was using it in single player lol
  2. oOStellaOo

    [OUTDATED] Potterworld Plus (Resource Pack)

    How do you use it? I have the resourcepack downloaded with Optifine and idk if my game is supposed to still look like vanilla minecraft or not .3.
  3. oOStellaOo

    Spring into the Bunny Burrow

    I mean sure, I wish it was a little different though. I'm sorry to hear you guys are limited. The other problem is that I don't see too much use for gold anymore ever since the big update. I wouldn't mind selling it but, I've been stocking up on gold and I have no idea what to use it for other...
  4. oOStellaOo

    Spring into the Bunny Burrow

    I’m extremely upset. I enjoyed spending one to two hours of my time completing the quests in this new easter event. However, I went to buy a scarf with my event tokens that I earned today and I was disappointed. I belong to the honeybadger house and I already own a honeybadger scarf. The blossom...