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Recent content by sevban38

  1. sevban38

    Declined May the 4TH Wand appearance

    make it so the lightsabers becomes a wand appearance u can either choose 1 lightsaber to become the wand appearance or that all the ones u make are a appearance u can choose. could be that u can make ONLY 1 that becomes ur wand appearance. and so the lightsabers become kinda useless because now...
  2. sevban38

    Declined Order of merlin

    make an Order of Merlin rank thingy like the phoenixes and werewolves etc.. add into the rank 'old man beard' and an wand appearance the 'enchanted tome' or 'magnificent staff' and 'black hole death effect' then add a wand name would be cool u. could change some stuff if u do add it but the...