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Search results

  1. neppie__

    Completed Abro Heads

    I am Abrosexual and proud <3 but there is no abro heads to place in my house. i would use the rainbow pride head but it doesnt match my aesthetic in my house. I would appreciate it if you made a Abrosexual pride head for me and my fellow abrosexuals If you don't know what the flag looks like...
  2. neppie__

    Declined Waypoints

    I always get lost and It would be handy to add waypoints to the server so i can get back to different areas easily without using coordinates because I suck at using them. I don't know if this is a bad idea or not but let me know? :)
  3. neppie__

    Completed Pride banners

    There should be pride banners.
  4. neppie__

    Completed Guess the build/Hangman

    I would love a guess the build game or something like hangman, it would bring lots of creativity to the games :)
  5. neppie__

    Declined Player Heads

    It would be cool if we got players heads from defeating them in duels, kinda like a trophy to place in our builds and maybe even to wear. Do you agree?
  6. neppie__

    Declined Voice Chat for towns

    There should be a voice chat for hogsend and other towns
  7. neppie__

    Duplicate Vault Command

  8. neppie__

    Declined Annoying Side Box

    sorry it took me long to reply. No not the keyboard i mean the actual game. It would be cool if you could just quickly press a button next to the scoreboard and it disappears. When you want to see it again you could just press the same button.
  9. neppie__

    Declined Potions Bag

    That is alright, not everyone agrees with things :)
  10. neppie__

    Duplicate Vault Command

    There should be a vault command so people do not have to go all the way to the Grimlotts vaults because it takes too long in my opinion. Command Suggestions: /vault /vaults /my vault (if there is a command for this please let me know)
  11. neppie__

    Declined Potions Bag

    There is a book bag, but is there a potions bag? If not that would be really helpful because my storage is getting too full and going to my vault takes a while.
  12. neppie__

    Declined Annoying Side Box

    Yes but there should be a button because its quick and easy. I personally think its a good idea but thats just me :P
  13. neppie__

    Declined Teams

    There should be a command like /team <player username> so we can do quests with our friends! I play with my best friend all the time and it would be so much more fun that way :) Let me know if you agree
  14. neppie__

    Declined hat suggestion

    That is SUCH a good idea!!!
  15. neppie__

    Declined Annoying Side Box

    The box thing on the right of my screen that says stuff like my gold and level is getting annoying. There should be a button where I can hide the box and when I want to see it again I can press the same button.
  16. neppie__

    Duplicate Class Detention

    When people misbehave in class, they get kicked. What if they get kicked and sent to the detention room until class ends? That way they will not want to misbehave again.