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Search results

  1. Ismo

    Completed marketplace npc diagon alley

    Hi @laertes ! This is complete and a Marketplace can be found in Vertick Alley, London! The specific coordinates are 3018, 55, -8. Thank you for your suggestion, and I hope you have a good rest of your day/night!
  2. Ismo

    Completed option to turn off player visibility in flying

    Hi @_Navyy ! Unfortunately, we will not be implementing our glow technology in flying classes and challenges because we have no way for the Professor and Class Helpers to identify who is who, and therefore, who has won a race. Regardless, thank you for your suggestion, and I hope you have a...
  3. Ismo

    Declined Store books in bookcases

    Hello @TheBrohman ! I'm unfortunately back with sad news to this suggestion. We unfortunately are not able to store books in our storage mechanisms at this time, and the suggestion has therefore been declined. Books are huge parts of data in Minecraft, and as such, they are often prone to...
  4. Ismo

    Declined Allegiance Quests

    Hello @neppie__ ! Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. After the conclusion of the Roleplay team, we are trying to move forward in different ways. This will allow more room for imaginative and original storylines that are not just based off of the Harry Potter series. Regardless...
  5. Ismo

    Completed Santa sleigh broom appearance as a reward for a christmas event

    Hiya @Ver1similitud3 We do currently have a Sleigh broom appearance which has been up for grabs in the last 2 years! We are excited to bring it back this year again to purchase in-game! Regardless, thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion and I hope you have a great rest of your...
  6. Ismo

    Declined New ways to get souls

    Hello @Mobo_Black Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. Lacerum Incisis is deliberately a difficult spell to obtain, and therefore we will not be implementing a mob that also gives souls. However, we do have plans to add a new gauntlet in the future which will drive more people to...