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Search results

  1. dani !

    Duplicate rePlayers Writing books For Approval

    hello, for books being added to the library, the lore team already does this! we created books for students to read on multiple mobs that can be accessed by students!
  2. dani !

    1st fifth year Quest

    hello! the answer are Occamer eggs which can obtained from killing Occamers in the the mountains by Squalus Cove! you just need to get one of these eggs and then bring it back to that box! for future quest help, i recommend putting it in the quest channel in-game or in the discord since more...
  3. dani !

    Declined A new wand suggestion

  4. dani !

    Declined Pride Prefix!!

    YOURE SO BRILLIANT BAE!!!! i want a rainbow so bad its so cute
  5. dani !

    Duplicate Price of chests in housing

    so true riya you never miss
  6. dani !

    Declined Furbies!

    Sooo Chivi and I were talking....about furbies. Along with our brilliant Netflix idea pitch for a furby clown movie, we'd also love a furby pet! Think about how terrifying it would be to see people walking around with furbies...especially during Halloween O: Furbies for a better Potterworld...