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Search results

  1. cassidy586

    stop that lying you know he wouldn't

    stop that lying you know he wouldn't
  2. cassidy586


    i was just about to buy an allegiance but when I tried to go to buy one, it said that they weren't available?? are they going to be available again or are they gone forever..? also, is there a reason that they are gone?
  3. cassidy586

    potterpoints for staff?

    Okay, thank you!
  4. cassidy586

    potterpoints for staff?

    Do you get potterpoints for being in the staff? Like let's pretend I was a Jr. Prefect, do you get potterpoints for being that and doing the job correctly?
  5. cassidy586

    where to get choco cards?

    How do you get choco cards other than buying them from other people? If someone could answer it would be very appreciated!
  6. cassidy586

    broom making

    How do you make a broom? I have the one that you get year 3 but i need a faster one :/