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Search results

  1. Lord Clevelort

    Declined Get Copyright from Harry Potter

    I am very upset because this server doesn't have Copyright from HP. The new names (Hogsworth (Hogwarts), Hogsend (hogsend)) are confusing me. I think it would be better with the real names.
  2. Lord Clevelort

    Declined Make roles (Auror, Death Eater, Dark Lord) reachable with quests

    I am very unhappy that I need to be an unofficial Auror when I graduate. Always I need to pay for something. So I think, it would be better to do quests to reach this roles.
  3. Lord Clevelort

    Declined Suggestions for Roleplay

    In Roleplay some things are "coming soon" so I've decided to suggest some things to add there: Obscurial Roleplay (Credence Barebone -> Drence Bonebare), Metamorphmagus Roleplay (Nymphadora Tonks -> Dora Clonks), Giant Roleplay (Grawp -> Gron), Philosophers Stone Owner Roleplay (Nicolas Flamel...