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Search results

  1. ArborlyMink

    Declined Lightsabers and Blasters Damage

    The souvenir Lightsabers and blasters should do damage in like the room of training and the dueling halls imo
  2. ArborlyMink

    Duplicate In-Game Map

    I don’t know if this has been suggested before or if this is even possible lol but there should be an In-Game map
  3. ArborlyMink

    Completed Pets for all the Houses

    As of right now the only House pet from the potterworld store is a snake but what about a raven for ravens and a honeybadger for honeybadgers or a baby griffin, i think there should be pets for the houses like a snake for serpents but we already have that
  4. ArborlyMink

    Declined Monke Pets

    There should be pets of Monke (Monkey)
  5. ArborlyMink

    Duplicate You should be able to throw Trainer Quabbles while on your brooms

    You should be able to throw Trainer Quabbles while on your brooms, that's pretty much it
  6. ArborlyMink

    Declined Meerkat Pets

    I think that Meerkat's should be a pet in Otterworld because they're adorable and i love them thank you for coming to my TED talk
  7. ArborlyMink

    Completed Shorter Warp Key Cooldown

    there should be like a shorter warp key cool down that you can buy from the store or get in game
  8. ArborlyMink

    Declined More Blocks

    I need smooth quartz blocks for a build lol and also there should be more variation/ more blocks
  9. ArborlyMink

    On-Hold Update the Shrieking Shack

    The shrieking shack on potterworld is a little dissapointing it is way too short and isn't nearly tall enough it is really bland there isn't much on the outside for details and it's all mostly spruce wood throw in some dark oak wood in there i think the shack really needs an update
  10. ArborlyMink

    Declined Wicked Willow Scenery

    There should totally be a wicked willow scenery for housings Thank you for coming to my TED talk
  11. ArborlyMink

    Completed Predictise Plushie

    As of the moment there is no predictise plushie there is a grinch predictise plushie but no normal predictise and i want one lmao