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  1. IzMatt

    Completed Classes Queue

    Wizard's PE was infuriating today by the way -_- Yeah I could see how that could be confusing and I never knew you could click it again to leave what. Maybe that could be added when it says like you've joined the queue like click again to leave or something?
  2. IzMatt

    Completed Classes Queue

    It would be nice to be able to type a command, such as /exit for games queues, to be able to leave the queue to join a class before the class actually starts.
  3. IzMatt

    Hi, I'm IzMatt and this is my Introduction.

    I fell in love with the server as soon as I joined but never really did anything on the forums. The community from what I can tell is super supportive and understanding, so I'm really excited to keep focusing on the game.
  4. IzMatt

    Hi, I'm IzMatt and this is my Introduction.

    I'd love to study another language. I tried to a few years ago but got tied up with work.
  5. IzMatt

    Hi, I'm IzMatt and this is my Introduction.

    Hello! (if this long-type of post isn't allowed please do tell me). Hope you're doing swell! I'm somewhat new to the forums, however I've played on Potterworld for sometime now, and it's about time I show up here. I currently work a full-time job overnight shifts (ew but good money) and pursue...
  6. IzMatt

    RIP Helen McCrory

    This is also close to my heart as many of my relatives on my mother's side passed away from cancer. They were all incredible people and were very hard to lose. My condolences to you and everyone who has been affected by cancer. In regards to an event related to this topic, it would be...
  7. IzMatt

    year 5 quest 3 relics of the past part 2

    Hi, you're not dumb first of all, don't think that. If you're referring to the quest "Relics of the Past - Part II", I've tried my best to provide the answers to the puzzles in spoilers below, in case you wanted to try to figure it out first but I apologize in advance if something is out of...
  8. IzMatt

    Feedback The Problem of Grinding

    As I understand why grinding is necessary, I completely agree. Coming online do get voting, daily rewards, and classes out of the way are the new way of life for anyone above level 50 really. You get a quest every other to every two levels and the experience you gain from it doesn't help...
  9. IzMatt

    Completed View your current quest objective on the screen somewhere like the scoreboard

    this would be very nice tbh but some quest descriptions/instructions are really long