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Search results

  1. Subject.:.R

    Completed grass blocks and dirt

    it seams so silly to me that a grass block will turn to dirt when a block is placed on it hoever whenever a block is removed the grass wont respread causing you to need to purchase a load of grass blocks to replace the dirt is there anything that can be done about this? if not can dirt blocks...
  2. Subject.:.R

    Duplicate housing resets

    a helpful thing would be to have an option to reset / clear your housing plot instead of taking away a building block by block
  3. Subject.:.R

    Declined alternatives to parkour

    an idea i had was to add an alternative to the parkour during quests.. the parkour can be very difficult and frustrating so adding it on as an additional bounus to quests instead of having it in the main quests. i have a few quests in my quest book that i cant get ticked off because of parkour...