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Search results

  1. ColaCinema

    Declined Dueling class

    i do have some feedback for you guys. please do not talk cryptic, as it can create a lot of confusion. but thanks for the responds.
  2. ColaCinema

    Declined Dueling class

    lore? what do you mean? im saying that there are inaccuracies in the way certain game modes are presented and named. that has nothing to do with lore?
  3. ColaCinema

    Potterworld 10th Anniversary Giveaway

    My favorite Potterworld memory is from 2022 when the HUNT was happening and the whole server game together to solve the hunt, doing all the puzzles. Everyone had their task, players that could parkour did parkour, people that knew lots about roleplay knew the answers so the questions and...
  4. ColaCinema

    On-Hold Exclusive prefixes

    Respect others’ ideas and give only constructive criticism where needed.
  5. ColaCinema

    On-Hold Exclusive prefixes

    Hey everybody, I believe it would add an exciting touch to our experience by introducing seasonal prefixes for recurring events such as Valentine's Day, Halloween, Winter Waltz, Butterbrew Carnival and more. This feature could seamlessly extend to any special occasion. These exclusive prefixes...
  6. ColaCinema

    Duplicate Guild: Join multiple.

    Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we could join more than one guild? Imagine, you start off in a guild with your family, but then you also want to be part of, let's say, a student group focused on dueling, flying, or just hanging out with some friends. Just so you know, you can totally be in multiple...
  7. ColaCinema

    Feedback Arena Team Feedback

    they should make a function to not even put it on and have your hat removed when you join.
  8. ColaCinema

    Feedback Arena Team Feedback

    if it takes 15minutes to see the rules and they end up saying it in chat, doesnt mean i or someone else sees it. i tab out and wait till a friend tells me its gonna start. if i dont get hit with a spell i forget to take of my hat. they can easly just make a function to take the hat off for us.
  9. ColaCinema

    Declined Dueling class

    I wanted to take a moment to provide some constructive feedback regarding the Dueling Class and its handling of game modes. While I appreciate the effort and enthusiasm you bring to the class, I have noticed some inaccuracies in the way certain game modes are presented and named. Firstly, there...
  10. ColaCinema

    Completed Trapped chests

    this is a must have, ive seen other housings using trapped chests already and it would be an amazing addition to the potterworld network.
  11. ColaCinema

    June 2023 Star Racing Tournament Sign-Up

    ColaCinema :serpent: outraqe:honeybadger: lividk:honeybadger:
  12. ColaCinema

    Bug Fixes & Improvements [June 9th 2023]

    have to agree on this one right here sir
  13. ColaCinema

    May 2023 Plasma Showdown Tournament Sign-Up

    ColaCinema (im a Crestello) :serpent:
  14. ColaCinema

    On-Hold increase or decrease items sold at the vendor

    they could make a menu that changes the amount on what button you click, for example LEFT CLICK takes 16x and SHIFT LEFT CLICK takes 32x. they can also round up or down if needed. the point is that its just easy to sell.
  15. ColaCinema

    May 2023 Star Racing Tournament Sign-Up

    ColaCinema :serpent:
  16. ColaCinema

    April 2023 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    :serpent: ColaCinema (im a Crestello)