DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Bug Fixes & Improvements [June 9th 2023]


Head of Technology & Development
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: Teheeo
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Head Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Arithmancer SPEW Linked Faerie

Greetings everyone!

Today’s patch note contains various bug fixes and improvements that have been made over the last few months in relation to our marketplace, minigames, and other aspects of the server.

We have also been hard at work over the last few months upgrading our codebase to 1.16 and preparing our development environment to be able to run a 1.16 server. We hope to deliver a progress update in greater detail over the coming months!

Marketplace Shops
We have recently added support for shop owners to set the default stock sorting order that their shops are displayed in. This can be edited via the Shop Settings in /shop. Once a default setting has been selected, it will display as default in the shop, however players can still choose to sort the shop in a different way if they wish.

  • Reduced Quabbleball minimum queue size to 6 players as a temporary measure to boost game engagement and awareness
  • Added support for displaying any active modifiers that a player has on their scoreboard whilst they are in the Dungeon
  • Removed the restriction on messaging players who were in the same minigame as each other
  • Increased the Gauntlet rejoin duration to 5 minutes
  • Fixed players in 1v1 Arena being able to move their starting location box if they ran around the map before the game had fully loaded in
  • Added a 30s AFK timeout in Flying

Server Stability
  • If a server crashes, instead of being kicked offline with an error, players will now be returned to the Hub
  • When players connect to Potterworld, if no Hub servers are online, the player will be automatically connected to a main world

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed player backpacks not correctly returning items to players via the mailbox if they had placed invalid items into their bag but their inventory was full
  • Fixed an inconsistent error message when players run /f list <page> but had no friends to now tell you how to add friends

Miscellaneous Features
  • Added support for previewing Warp Key appearances in the In-Game Store
  • Added the ability for the villagers in towns to have a random Potterworld skin assigned to them, this brings a bit more life to the world towns
  • Allow for Drooble’s Order members to opt out of having their text automatically converted to emojis via the subscriber menu

Newcomer Chat
We have also recently added all players to the newcomer chat. Players can access this chat via /ch mu or /mu <message>, and it allows you to communicate with new players. This is helpful for helping out players who are stuck on their tutorial, or just saying hello when new players join the server. A “Welcome to Potterworld” message is sent in newcomer chat every time a new player joins the server!

That is all for today, as always thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy these updates! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or suggestions for future content.
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