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Search results

  1. laertes

    Under Review king od the hill bad

    king of the hill timer is rigged give us wizpe timer because i swear i will literally set up a 2 minute timer and it will be delayed by litearlly 15s in the class
  2. laertes

    Completed coupon hunt dumb 2

    no offense to the ppl that hide the coupon and like put effort into this but the hints are so awful, when it releases is so inconsistent, and the $5 dollars is simply not worth it. msg me for this months hints how are u supposed to get anything from that. i know its supposed to be hard but...
  3. laertes

    Completed marketplace npc diagon alley

    place a marketplace npc in diagonal alley it saves time and makes me not have to go back to somewhere where there is one
  4. laertes

    Completed Restricted Section Parkour

    helloo, i am here to give a suggestion about why the checkpoint should get a slight revamp, not anything too serious but some alterations when you leave and go for class. recently, i got the checkpoint! i was ecstatic, and at the same time i was in potions queue. i attended potions hosted by...