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Search results

  1. JustKep__

    Declined Detention Classroom for those that break rules during lesson time.

    I feel that kicking people during class without AC because they are breaking the rules while in class does not give the feels like school. I suggest we have a empty classroom on standby where we yeet students who break the rules during lesson time to the detention classroom and that they have to...
  2. JustKep__

    Duplicate Enable flying for not just owner but residents in housing after purchasing it.

    Since it cost 20k gold to purchase flight in housing, I feel like for those whom are added as residents to someone's housing should also be given flying. Reason being is that firstly, when someone is given residence in housing by the owner, it usually means the owner trust them hence I don't see...
  3. JustKep__

    Declined New Broom Appearance Idea

    This is my first suggestion, if possible, can we have more broom appearance as I feel the ones in store are starting to feel plain. Maybe add some cool vehicles like a magic helicopter appearance cause that will be pretty cool for a broom appearance. Thank you!!