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Detention Classroom for those that break rules during lesson time.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: xKep_
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
I feel that kicking people during class without AC because they are breaking the rules while in class does not give the feels like school. I suggest we have a empty classroom on standby where we yeet students who break the rules during lesson time to the detention classroom and that they have to sit in class for 1 hour during the lesson duration and not get AC or AT and they will not be able to chat but just to sit in class and wait till the official class are finished. They are also not allowed to leave the class until class has ended. This is the best Idea for detention in Potter world. Credits from SergioVDM and Kep(Myself)


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
I mean... the idea got my attention at first but I really have no clue how this "You can't leave detention" thing would go. Like do you mean they cannot leave the detention to go play the normal server or do you mean they absolutely CANNOT leave the server while they are in detention? If it's the 2nd then that simply would not work as people have real life things to do and there would be no insentive to stay on the server. If it's the 1st then they honestly might as well just ban the person and it could easily be bypassed by just leaving and joining the server again unless they somehow used the tech to get around that. idk seems like an okay concept but just seems like it has quite a few flaws too


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Is this an American suggestion I'm too European to understand ? /s

This feels worse than a ban and more like a solitary prison sentence to test human psyche.
Forced time in a room you can't get out of, with others you can't communicate with just because you broke a rule.


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven
sounds also like it's not fun at all. it's probably quite easy to accidentally break a rule and even if it's not an accident, it's still definitely way too school-y which is no fun

mckenna varulv ❦

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: xokenna
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
To be honest, I feel as if this is a bit too extreme and unnecessary. As Honey_Dwarf1 said, it's quite easy to accidentally break a rule without even knowing it. I know that if I had broken a rule in class and was sent to a 'detention classroom' with no way of getting out, it'd be a bit annoying and frustrating. I see where you were coming from with this idea, but there are a bit too many flaws, and this idea of a 'detention classroom' needs to be developed a bit more.

This feels worse than a ban and more like a solitary prison sentence
I totally agree with this statement. The player is unable to leave this classroom for well up to an hour, which is how long some classes can take. I understand the importance of rule-breaking and why it is bad, but more often than not players understand what they did wrong and apologize for it, which is why I don't see this idea being the best.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: EdenLovesMommy
Auralock Dark Follower Raven
I feel that kicking people during class without AC because they are breaking the rules while in class does not give the feels like school. I suggest we have a empty classroom on standby where we yeet students who break the rules during lesson time to the detention classroom and that they have to sit in class for 1 hour during the lesson duration and not get AC or AT and they will not be able to chat but just to sit in class and wait till the official class are finished. They are also not allowed to leave the class until class has ended. This is the best Idea for detention in Potter world. Credits from SergioVDM and Kep(Myself)
There is a detention room tangular123 put me in time out one time bc I was being a bad child

Tara Silvius

Minecraft IGN: SLGTara
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Jr. Professor Class Design Sr. Game Designer
Heya @JustKep__ and everyone who has commented on this thread!

Thank you for making this suggestion and to those who have brought up their feedback on it! After discussing this suggestion with the Leadership team, we have decided to declined it for a few reasons. This would force players to stay in a certain area, not be able to participate in the server and not be able to talk, which is extremely restrictive. Therefore, it's not something we want to do because it would take away most of the fun and enjoyability from the server. Most often, rules broken in classes are not even official server rules, so we definitely do not think they merit that harsh of a punishment. Additionally, we believe that our way of enforcing the rules in classes works fairly well currently, so there's no need to add something like this as a further deterrent.

Regardless of this, we hope that you understand this decision and continue to make more suggestion in the near future! Thank you again and I hope you all have a good day!