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Search results

  1. WeirdLesbianCT

    Missing Kid Task in Ireland

    (I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, move if not) Hey guys! I need help with a task in Ireland. It is the missing kid task, Fisher Blake. I found 2 locations where he is, on top of the Church and on top of the Lighthouse, but I can't find the third location. I looked...
  2. WeirdLesbianCT

    Duplicate Restricted Area In the Library

    I noticed that people will spend hours and hours on end trying to finish the parkour to get the key so that they can finally see what's in the restricted section. And honestly, I feel like there's not enough in it, reward-wise. Just a Jem stone. I think that you guys should add something...
  3. WeirdLesbianCT

    Player Reset

    Hey does any staff know when the player reset will come back? I really wanna reset my account because for whatever reason I didn't do a lot of the year 1 and 2 quests, so now I want to reset myself and have a fresh start, but every time I type in chat /reset it tells me that player reset will be...