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Search results

  1. Deathlish

    Arena Store Release Ideas (For the Future)

    Hello Everyone! - So, we've recently just got the Arena Season 2 Store Releases! And in their own rights, are amazing! I specifically love the Plasma Gamemode, and now it has been added into the Duelling Halls, people can now train for May the 4th Plasma Challenges and Tournies! But moving...
  2. Deathlish

    Under Review Mahounoshiro Fan Recolours

    Mahounoshiro Fan Recolours Hello Everyone, so this will be a quick Forum Post but I will try to make it enjoyable as well. So Mahounoshiro, it's a Spring Event and it is a Japanese School that Hogsworth Students got to go to, and in it, you're able to get many things, and one of them was the...
  3. Deathlish

    Under Review Class Schedules

    Hello Every, Deathlish here- So today, I come to you to discuss about the Class Schedule Times, so I'll try to make it quick and to the point. So as we all know, classes aren't always on time for everyone in the world, some are more based for American Players, some are more based for United...
  4. Deathlish

    Completed Keres Crown Remodel (For Second Skin Layer)

    Hello Guys, So, recently we got a new Store Update! Which is super cool! But I saw a Hat that had an issue, and that being the designated Keres Crown. And below, you're able to see what I talk about. Model 1- Is the Hat as shown in the servers InGame Store, And as you can see, it does show...
  5. Deathlish

    Completed make 5th battle of pw 3 players

    don't know why it's at 4 when having it with 3 people is naturally easy, whereas gauntlet needs 3 people to enter, and that's literally HARDER than 5th battle, please fix it :D tyvm - deathlish
  6. Deathlish

    Declined First Person Raven Warp Key Issue

    Hello People Of Potterworld - I have come here today, for a very small reason. But I am still very much commited to adressing it. Now, Warpkeys, we all have them, and on the PotterworldMC Store you are able to buy a multitude of them (New and Old), and there is 1 Warpkey skin that I would like...
  7. Deathlish

    Declined Different Type Of Wand Designs.

    Hello, Name is Deathlish I come here to ask, or more likely petition a few new wands which I think people would enjoy within the store or they're able to get within events or special quests: - A variation of the *Electriftying Wand*: So, I know this wand is new to the store, but what I mean by...