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First Person Raven Warp Key Issue

Should the raven warpkey be moved a bit to the left in first person?

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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Deathlish
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
Hello People Of Potterworld -

I have come here today, for a very small reason. But I am still very much commited to adressing it. Now, Warpkeys, we all have them, and on the PotterworldMC Store you are able to buy a multitude of them (New and Old), and there is 1 Warpkey skin that I would like to put more towards the light, which is the newly added Raven Warpkey Skin.

Down below, you're able to view 2 Warpkey Skins, one being the beloved Dragon and the newly added Raven skins. But as you can see, the positioning feels very offputting for the Raven's Warpkey. Reason I bring this up is because whenever you're doing anything on the server, anyone can feel that the Raven feels very off-centered.

Whereas, in the other picture, with the Dragon Warpkey Skin. You can see that it's more put towards the far end of the screen, so as to see that you can still see the Dragon, but it doesn't feel as if it so focused on the Dragon.

To end this, I have put a vote below, whether you would like the Raven Warpkey should be moved a bit more to the left, to somewhat say. match the positioning of the Dragon Warpkey, or do you want the Raven Warpkey to stay the same?.




Minecraft IGN: Aglyn
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design Arena Grandmaster SPEW Academics Advisor
Hiya, @Deathlish

Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined. This is mainly due to the low support from the players. While this is a small change, we don't see it as necessary to update everyone's resource packs!

Nevertheless, thank you for taking the time into creating your suggestion we really appreciate it. We hope this does not discourage you into making future suggestions. We hope to hear and see what other suggestions you might have in mind.

Thank you once again and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!