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Search results

  1. egirleve

    Declined year 6 quest, an unbreakable bond

    Thank you, i will definitly try this!!
  2. egirleve

    Declined year 6 quest, an unbreakable bond

    My hand was: wool mittens, 409 damage, 205 healing. lvl 56 My trinket was: orb of oblivion necklace, 157 curse damage, +30 transfiguration damage, -7 curse cooldowns 59 curse defense, 39 jinx defense, 20 transfiguration defense spells: flipellius, vermillio, baulectrius, ignatium, antioculus...
  3. egirleve

    Declined year 6 quest, an unbreakable bond

    So in this quest you need to fight alexandrus, Firstly he is way too strong, i suggest lowering his HP to max 10k. Secondly, you can choose to either kill or save him, but after you pick one you cant change it and i think it would be great that if you cant kill him you can change it to save...