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Search results

  1. Aber4th

    Declined Playertags while duelling should be 1 color

    Greetings! I've talked with a lot of duellers the last few years. Most of them told me they started using the Dark Follower role as prefix while doing their duelling thing because the dark grey is harder to see then most of the other prefixes / playertags. I think that, while duelling...
  2. Aber4th

    Under Review Change prices for materials for housings

    I'd like to see some changes to the prices of materials in housings. The diamond block is 1 piece = 10 gold. For the iron block, its 16 pieces for 6 gold. Both blocks are equally valuable with the texture pack and the possibilities of the server. Why is the wooden crate 26.6x more expensive...
  3. Aber4th

    Declined Playerlist on hover in multiplayer serverlist

    I'd like to suggest adding in hover-function. When joining servers it's possible to show the players that are online at the time as a hover-popup. This can show players a few of the players that are online (most of the time that's about 8 or so that are shown). I know that in many cases there...
  4. Aber4th

    Duplicate Magic at housings

    Greetings fellow PotterworldMC players :):heart: Potterworld has grown so much since the start of the server. New stuff is added on a regular basis and i love it. That's also the reason why I write this suggestion. Over the last few years PWMC has become more "real". The explorable area...