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Change prices for materials for housings


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Aber4th
I'd like to see some changes to the prices of materials in housings.

The diamond block is 1 piece = 10 gold.
For the iron block, its 16 pieces for 6 gold.

Both blocks are equally valuable with the texture pack and the possibilities of the server. Why is the wooden crate 26.6x more expensive then an iron crate?

There are more instances of very weird prices in housings, which do not make any sense to me. Can this be looked trough and changed accordingly? Building housings is already expensive as is. To me it seems unnecessary to have such a high price on some of the items. I'd love to see some cuts so that some of the stuff is more affordable, which would also encourage people to actually build nice stuff on their plots instead of people building small to prevent losing too much gold.





New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Aber4th
Even if there is no drop in average pricing, i think it should be at least looked trough to get rid of those weird price-differences between cosmetic items like crates. I know some stuff is more beautiful then other stuff, but making prices a bit lower means that players can build better and more beautiful housings, which i would love to see. Housings are sometimes a little bit forgotten in the gameplay, but i find it a very important aspect or at least it really could be