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Search results

  1. Metal

    Duplicate Where is Lacerum Incisis?

    One of the features of the Revelius update I was most excited for, was the re-introduction of the spell Lacerum Incisis. However, after the update released, I was really disappointed to find out the spell would not be releasing. Is there any update on progress for the reintegration of the spell...
  2. Metal

    Secret Collectables

    One of my favorite new features of the Revelius update is the addition of a few secret collectibles and "mini-quests". I know there is still much to be explored but I wanted to see what some other people have found in the way of secret collectibles. So far, I have found the library restricted...
  3. Metal

    Declined wand wood/core.

    I know this would be a minor cosmetic-only change, but I think it would be really cool to customize our wand wood and core!