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Search results

  1. Julian006

    Declined Ditch 2x2 Flying Hoops

  2. Julian006

    Duplicate Money Transfer

    Hello Melonfoxy, Thank you for letting me know! Have a magical day~
  3. Julian006

    Duplicate Money Transfer

    Hello, I'll keep this thread short and simple. I was thinking about how it would be nice to have an option to send gold through Potterworld mail. When you select what items you want to send through the mail you will have the option to select the gold coin and enter the amount you want to send...
  4. Julian006

    Back on PW for almost a month now. Fully caught up to everything that is happening on the server...

    Back on PW for almost a month now. Fully caught up to everything that is happening on the server and it's players. I've met a ton of new people, and tried to join Voicechats more often to make those more active again. I have been catching up to my quests and have been taken classes striving for...
  5. Julian006

    Wand Lore Expansion

    Sounds awesome! :D Very nice detail
  6. Julian006

    Completed Hat Idea

    Would love bear ears! Maybe a whole animal themed collection that would exist out of wearables! :)
  7. Julian006

    [USER=27758]@Micah Nox[/USER] Omg thanks so much! They're called shaders :D Glad u like them!

    [USER=27758]@Micah Nox[/USER] Omg thanks so much! They're called shaders :D Glad u like them!
  8. Julian006

    [MEDIA=imgur]a/qAOTIL1[/MEDIA] Today I did my first Dance class with my good friend...

    [MEDIA=imgur]a/qAOTIL1[/MEDIA] Today I did my first Dance class with my good friend [USER=1178]@J2424[/USER]
  9. Julian006

    Maps Rotation - July 2022

    Been playing the new maps for a few days now and I'm loving it! Brings so much more excitement to playing! :D
  10. Julian006

    2022 Season 2 Arena Champions

    Well done everyone! :D
  11. Julian006

    Monthly Art Giveaway - July 2022

    Congratulations Hopecute23! :D And goodluck to all who participate in this month's Giveaway!
  12. Julian006

    So the other day I made some beautiful pictures on our beloved server with some nice shaders...

    So the other day I made some beautiful pictures on our beloved server with some nice shaders! Everyone feel free to use them for posts, video's, wallpapers/backgrounds or thumbnails! Check the link [URL='https://imgur.com/a/aEWmpYL']here![/URL] ~Julian
  13. Julian006

    Star Battle Tournament Results

    Well done to everyone playing and competing for the leaderboard positions!:D
  14. Julian006

    Selling pre-revelius Brooms

    Including the: Bluebranch, Shinesweep one, Meteor 5000, Nimblemax 2000 and the Fireflash. I've got more than one for every broom, the prices are as followed: Bluebranch: 4000 Gold Shinesweep one, 14.000 Gold Meteor 5000, 19.000 Gold Fireflash, 29.000 Gold Nimblemax 2000, 150.000 Gold. Prices...
  15. Julian006

    Skin Render

    I'm looking for someone who can make a skin render of my skin holding my wand and sitting on a couch. I pay well (Gold)
  16. Julian006

    June 2022 Flying Tournament Sign-Up

    Julian006 ~ :raven:Raven:raven:
  17. Julian006

    Development Blog - May 2022

    A bright past and an even brighter future! Good job to all who helped on renewing and improving the server so amazingly well! It's been awesome to have seen the process from 2015 to where we are now :heart:
  18. Julian006

    Today was an average day, the fact that I'm back after a little less than two years is awesome...

    Today was an average day, the fact that I'm back after a little less than two years is awesome! The Revelius update took some getting used to but turned out to be amazing! As always I'm loving my time on Potterworld <3
  19. Julian006

    Default Scenery Revamp

    It looks awesome!! I love it, well done Blizz!!
  20. Julian006

    [COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]4-6-2020 Today there were a hundred suprise classes! Today I attended...

    [COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]4-6-2020 Today there were a hundred suprise classes! Today I attended 12 classes, a new personal record! Thanks to all who hosted! <3[/COLOR]