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Search results

  1. Nion_1714

    Declined Broom Apreances

    I really like your idea and would like to get it implemented into the game. Loads of people would enjoy it,
  2. Nion_1714

    Declined Hidden Chests in Classes

    Thanks to everyone who replied and for the advice.
  3. Nion_1714

    Declined Hidden Chests in Classes

    Yeah, But you could also add them in like dueling class when you do the hunger games. They could be up a tree or something. Or in classes where you don't have to sit down. Like Wizard's PE, Dueling Class or maybe in the middle of the flying class track.
  4. Nion_1714

    Declined Hidden Chests in Classes

    It would be fun if there were hidden chests in classes. So you could also get them there. They should be well hidden. It would be a nice addition to the server.