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Search results

  1. Matias Varulv

    On-Hold Experience Potion (To be named)

    So for a while now I have been thinking that Felix Fortuna a potion could be implemented into PW so that it grants 1.5x the experience you gain from quests and fighting mobs. Of course, setback would have to be in place to prevent full exploitation. The potion duration could only last 10-20...
  2. Matias Varulv

    Market Valley Graphics Studio

    Market Valley Graphics Studios I'm glad to announce that Market Valley has a Graphic Studios! We make Still Renders, Rendered Signatures and Emblems/Logos! PRICES Renders Renders are not with writing or emblems. For Renders with writing and badges, please go to the Signature Section :D Still...
  3. Matias Varulv

    Market Valley

    Market Valley! Welcome! Market Valley is located at /Housing Matias_Varulv! We sell potion, cooking ingredients, and more! We also have an Adventurer's Guild, Herbology Lab, Gear Shop, and Cooking Café! They are all ways to order ingredients/ gear recipes (unopened)/ gear materials that are...