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Search results

  1. TheCookieYT

    Potterworld Forum Signature (Blender)

    Is there a way to insert his Potterworld items like magic wand and hat into Blender? for a forum signature?
  2. TheCookieYT

    On-Hold Character on Map

    Hello dear team, I hereby suggest that you can see your own character / player on the map so that you can better orient yourself where you are and where you have to go. Since the coordinates mostly show a wrong path or are incorrectly placed. I hope this proposal is accepted Greetings Cookie...
  3. TheCookieYT

    Laby Mod House Capes

    Hello everybody, Everyone who has Laby Mod and a Laby Mod Cape can get a few Laby Capes for their respective house under the link, so I didn't make them myself :P Here is the link: Gryffindore Cape: https://www.file-upload.net/download-14208058/GryffindoreCape.png.html Honeybadger Cape...
  4. TheCookieYT

    My House

    @Syster have her own Room in my House