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Search results

  1. sandra

    Declined Make WizPE Great Again

    really interesting! could be in the way a dueling class works, people could wait for their turns to play a game, or it can be an overall large-scale game
  2. sandra

    On-Hold Stonehenge Secret Underground

    yes this s a good idea, after givign some though.t
  3. sandra

    On-Hold Inventory buttons

    this would be so helpful! very creative c;
  4. sandra

    October 2020 Flying Tournament Sign Up

    nevermind!!! wont make it D:
  5. sandra

    Declined Using Gift Cards at Checkout

    So, I love this game, I really do, but it sucks that we can't use gift cards as a purchasing method. For example, I'm at checkout, and turns out, I can't buy something because I don't have a debit card. I get why this could be, maybe if someone wants a refund, but, instead of money back maybe...