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Search results

  1. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined Doctor Who TARDIS Broom Appearance

    So Personally I love DoctorWho, and if this could be done in a way that would work well then I'd say go for it, tho honestly I don't see a way where this would work effectively as a broom appearance, under the fact of positioning and how it would work, the Tardis really doesn't Fly it teleports...
  2. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined Family Titles

    Hello again, so this suggestion will be quicker to read since this is a bit simple, but I think that it would be awesome that any head of a family, should get a Prefix on both the MC PW Server and both discord servers. this PRefix would simply state the following: (Head Of ____ Family), and the...
  3. Archimedes Lestrange

    So if anybody knows me, on the server or on discord I am an avid Roleplayer, so for the sake of...

    So if anybody knows me, on the server or on discord I am an avid Roleplayer, so for the sake of making everyone's life easier, I have the main character that I use for practically all my RP's, I have put my Character Bio into a Google Doc, since it's long and would take inevitably a long time to...
  4. Archimedes Lestrange

    Completed Clubs

    I think it would be awesome if there were some way to create a club interface allowing club creation and management, like for example: -------------------------- Name of Club: [Imput name] | you would click a little sign of a pen on paper maybe and then it would open a GUI allowing you to input...
  5. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined Make a Raven Animagus form

    Thanks i appreciate it!
  6. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined Make a Raven Animagus form

    It would be cool if there was a raven form for Animagus
  7. Archimedes Lestrange

    Completed Xbox and Sony PS Symbol Head in Head Shop

    It would be awesome if you could add the Xbox and PS Symbols to the head shop the House Elf has.
  8. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined gold Coin Packaged of various sizes

    I more ment for this to be a private thing that only the owner of the profile could see
  9. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined gold Coin Packaged of various sizes

    I am adding one more thing to this thread, I let Woolf be cool on the website if you could add a section of what the person has bought and how much they have spent on the server so far like a dontations number counter sort of..just thought I would put this idea out here too
  10. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined iPhone/Android Potterworld App

    Another suggestion of mine is to take the normal website of Potterworld and make it into a downloadable app for IOS/Android as this would allow for easy notifications on watched threads and application notifications. As well this would allow an easier was of paying for store items and allow you...
  11. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined The Apperation Spell Allowed you to TP to any place You’ve Unlocked.

    I think the Apperation spell would be more useful and closer the the lore of Harry Potter of when using the spell it would open a GUI showing places that you have unlocked and are still locked but allow you to click on one of the unlocked places TP you there. it would be cheaper for grads and...
  12. Archimedes Lestrange

    Declined gold Coin Packaged of various sizes

    It would be cool if you could make different gold Coin Packs of different sizes for different prices