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2024 Season 4 Champions

Jae ⊹₊ ⋆

Minecraft IGN: xMye
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Class Design SPEW Lead Arena Master Lead Linked

Over the past 3 months, many witches and wizards have been competing in Dueling and Flying Challenges with the goal of becoming the top wizard at Hogsworth! We'd like to congratulate buddy365, kingf0s7, and _xJayla for becoming our 2024 Season 4 Arena Champions!

Overall Category

Winning this category requires being on top of your game for both Dueling, Flying, and other Challenge types we may have. Congratulations to buddy365 for coming in first!

Final Overall Arena Score: 292
Final Dueling Arena Score: 153
Final Flying Arena Score: 101

Dueling Category

Winning this category requires consistently being the top duelist. Congratulations to kingf0s7 for coming in first!

Final Overall Arena Score: 133
Final Dueling Arena Score: 60
Final Flying Arena Score: 52

Flying Category

Winning this category requires consistently being the top flier. Congratulations to _xJayla for coming in first!

Final Overall Arena Score: 89
Final Dueling Arena Score: 0
Final Flying Arena Score: 84

For those of you who made it onto the top 6 leaderboard, you have all received 50 Arena Tokens for your hard work throughout the Season!

Final Top 6 Leaderboard Players

1. buddy365 -292 Arena Score
2. kingf0s7 - 133 Arena Score
3. _xJayla - 89 Arena Score
4. Buttery_Flapjack - 77 Arena Score
5. M_Engel - 76 Arena Score
6. ocelotkid7 - 70 Arena Score

All Season Champions will be contacted regarding their rewards. Congratulations to everyone! If you have any questions about the season, please reach out to either Lead Arena Master Jae (xmye) or Head of Academics Ariel (creme_de_creme) on Discord.