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2024 Star Battle Tournament Results

With the conclusion of the May 4th event, we are pleased to announce the top 5 contenders of the Star Battle: Escort Payload and Star Racing tournaments!

Star Racing

1st: government_h - 277 points
2nd: SynonymsForSky - 158 points
3rd: Ivya - 132 points
4th: kin9frost - 126 points
5th: LordWily - 77 points

Click here to see the final leaderboard.

Escort Payload

1st: Deathlish - 1604 points
2nd: Frebii - 936 points
3rd: zZalt - 764 points
4th: Ivya - 646 points
5th: TallBlondeDude - 553 points

Click here to see the final leaderboard.

Congratulations to everyone who placed and well done to all participants!
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